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  november 2008 . version 1.0 magnachip semiconductor ltd . 1 md d 3 75 2 C p - channel trench mosfet absolute maximum ratings ( t c =25 o ) characteristics symbol rating unit drain - source voltag e v dss - 40 v gate - source voltage v gss 20 v continuous drain current (note 2) t c =25 o c i d 43 a t c = 100 o c 27 a pulsed drain current i dm - 9 0 a power dissipation t c =25 o c p d 50 w t c = 100 o c 20 single pulse avalanche energy (note 3) e as 128 mj junction and storage temperature range t j , t stg - 55~ + 150 o c thermal characteristics characteristics symbol rating unit thermal resistance, junction - to - ambient (note 1) r ja 40 o c/w thermal resistance, junction - to - case r jc 2.5 mdd 3 75 2 p - channel trench mosfet , - 40v, - 43 a, 17 m general description the mdd 3 75 2 uses advanced magna c hips trench mosfet technology to provided high performance in on - state resistance, switching performance and reliability. low r ds(on) , low gate charge can be offering superior benefit in the a pplication. applications ? inverters ? general purpose applications features ? v ds = - 40 v ? i d = - 43 a @v gs = - 10v ? r ds(on) < 17 m @ v gs = - 10v < 25 m @ v gs = - 4.5v d g s g s
november 2008 . version 1.0 magnachip semiconductor ltd . 2 md d 3 75 2 C p - channel trench mosfet ordering information p art number temp. range package pa cking rohs status md d 3752 r h - 55~150 o c d - pak tape & reel halogen free electrical characteristics (t j =25 o c unless otherwise noted) characteristics symbol test condition min typ max unit static characteristics drain - source breakdown voltage bv dss i d = - 250a, v gs = 0v - 40 - - v gate threshold voltage v gs(th) v ds = v gs , i d = - 250a - 1. 0 - 2.0 - 3.0 zero gate voltage drain current i dss v ds = - 32 v, v gs = 0v - - 1 a gate leakage current i gss v gs = 20 v, v ds = 0v - - 0.1 drain - source on resistance r ds(on) v gs = - 10 v, i d = - 20 a - 13 17 m v gs = - 4.5 v, i d = - 10 a 19 25 forward transconductance g fs v ds = - 10 v, i d = - 20 a 40 - s dynamic characteristics total gate charge q g v d d = - 2 0 v, i d = - 20 a , v gs = - 10 v - 44.1 - nc gat e - source charge q gs - 8.6 - gate - drain charge q gd - 9.3 - input capacitance c iss v ds = - 2 0 v, v gs = 0v, f = 1.0mhz - 2088 - pf reverse transfer capacitance c rss - 168 - output capacitance c oss - 290 - turn - on delay time t d(on) v g s = - 10 v , v d d = - 20 v, i d = - 1 a , r gen = 6 . 0 - 17.6 - ns turn - on rise time t r - 17.8 - turn - off delay time t d(off) - 59.0 - turn - off fall time t f - 19.8 - drain - source body diode characteristics source - drain diode forward voltage v sd i s = - 20 a, v gs = 0v - - 1 . 2 v reverse recov ery time trr i s = - 20 a, di/dt=100a/us - 40 - ns reverse recovery charge qrr - 40 - nc note : 1. surface mounted rf4 board with 2oz. copper. 2. p d is based on t j(max) =150 o c, p d (t c =25 o c) is based on r jc . 3. starting t j = 25 c , l=1mh, i as = - 16 a v dd = - 20v, v gs = - 10v
november 2008 . version 1.0 magnachip semiconductor ltd . 3 md d 3 75 2 C p - channel trench mosfet fig.5 transfer characteristics fig.1 on - region characteristics fig.2 on - resistance variation with drain current and gate voltage fig.3 on - resistance variation with temperature fig.4 on - resistance variation with gate to source voltage fig.6 body diode forward voltage variation with source current and temperature 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 v gs = -10v -4.5v -8v -4.0v -3.0v -i d , drain current [a] -v ds , drain-source voltage [v] 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0 4 8 12 16 20 -v gs , gate-source voltage [v] t a =25 notes : v ds = -10v i d , drain current [a] 2 4 6 8 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 t a = 25 r ds(on) [m ], drain-source on-resistance v gs , gate to source volatge [v] 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 10 0 10 1 10 2 t a =125 notes : v gs = 0v 25 -i s , reverse drain current [a] -v sd , source-drain voltage [v] 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 v gs = -10v -8v -6v -5v -4.5v -4v v gs = -3.5v normalized drain-source on-resistance -i d , drain current [a] -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 notes : 1. v gs = -10 v 2. i d = -20 a r ds(on) , (normalized) drain-source on-resistance t j , junction temperature [ o c]
november 2008 . version 1.0 magnachip semiconductor ltd . 4 md d 3 75 2 C p - channel trench mosfet fig.7 gate charge characteristics fig.8 capacitance characteristics fig.9 maximum safe operating area fig.10 maximum drain current v s. case temperature fig.11 transient thermal response curve 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 100 ? s 100 ms dc 10 ms 1 ms operation in this area is limited by r ds(on) single pulse r thjc =2.5 t c =25 -i d , drain current [a] -v ds , drain-source voltage [v] 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 v ds = -20v note : i d = -20a -v gs , gate-source voltage [v] q g , total gate charge [nc] 0 10 20 30 40 0.0 500.0p 1.0n 1.5n 2.0n 2.5n 3.0n c iss = c gs + c gd (c ds = shorted) c oss = c ds + c gd c rss = c gd notes ; 1. v gs = 0 v 2. f = 1 mhz c rss c oss c iss capacitance [f] -v ds , drain-source voltage [v] 25 50 75 100 125 150 0 10 20 30 40 50 -i d , drain current [a] t c , case temperature [ ] 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 notes : duty factor, d=t 1 /t 2 peak t j = p dm * z jc * r jc (t) + t c r jc =2.5 /w single pulse d=0.5 0.02 0.2 0.05 0.1 0.01 z jc (t), thermal response t 1 , rectangular pulse duration [sec]
november 2008 . version 1.0 magnachip semiconductor ltd . 5 md d 3 75 2 C p - channel trench mosfet physical dimensions 2 leads , dpak (to252) dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise specified
november 2008 . version 1.0 magnachip semiconductor ltd . 6 md d 3 75 2 C p - channel trench mosfet disclaimer: the products are not designed for use in hostile environments, including, without limitation, aircraft, nuclear power generation, medical appliances, and devices or systems in which malfunction of any product can reasona bly be expected to result in a personal injury. sellers customers using or selling sellers products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully defend and indemnify seller. magnachip reserves the right to change the specifications and circuitry without notice at any time. magnachip does not consider responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely included in a magnachip product. is a registered trademark of magnachip semiconductor ltd.

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