AP3P9R0P advanced power p-channel enhancement mode electronics corp. power mosfet low on-resistance bv dss -30v simple drive requirement r ds(on) 9m fast switching characteristic i d -63a rohs compliant & halogen-free description absolute maximum ratings@ t j =25 o c(unless otherwise specified) symbol units v ds v v gs v i d @t c =25 a i d @t c =100 a i dm a p d @t c =25 w e as single pulse avalanche energy 3 mj t stg t j symbol value units rthj-c maximum thermal resistance junction-case 2.3 /w rthj-a 62 /w parameter maximum thermal resistance, junction-ambient -55 to 150 thermal data 201709151 1 + 20 -63 -55 to 150 54.3 45 -40 -240 rating halogen-free product -30 parameter drain-source voltage gate-source voltage drain current, v gs @ 10v total power dissipation operating junction temperature range storage temperature range drain current, v gs @ 10v pulsed drain current 1 g d s ap3p9r0 series are from advanced power innovated design and silicon process technology to achieve the lowest possible on-resistance and fast switching performance. it provides the designer with an extreme efficient device for use in a wide range of power applications. the to-220 package is widely preferred for all commercial-industrial through hole applications. the low thermal resistance and low package cost contribute to the worldwide popular package. g d s to-220(p) .
AP3P9R0P electrical characteristics@t j =25 o c(unless otherwise specified) symbol parameter test conditions min. typ. max. units bv dss drain-source breakdown voltage v gs =0v, i d =-250ua -30 - - v r ds(on) static drain-source on-resistance 2 v gs =-10v, i d =-40a - - 9 m v gs =-4.5v, i d =-30a - - 15 m v gs(th) gate threshold voltage v ds =v gs , i d =-250ua -1 - -3 v g fs forward transconductance v ds =-10v, i d =-30a - 60 - s i dss drain-source leakage current v ds =-24v, v gs =0v - - -10 ua i gss gate-source leakage v gs = + 20v, v ds =0v - - + 100 na q g total gate charge 2 i d =-30a - 44 70.4 nc q gs gate-source charge v ds =-24v - 9 - nc q gd gate-drain ("miller") charge v gs =-4.5v - 24 - nc t d(on) turn-on delay time 2 v ds =-15v - 11 - ns t r rise time i d =-30a - 60 - ns t d(off) turn-off delay time r g =1 -40- ns t f fall time v gs =-10v - 17 - ns c iss input capacitance v gs =0v - 3550 5680 pf c oss output capacitance v ds =-25v - 500 - pf c rss reverse transfer capacitance f=1.0mhz - 400 - pf r g gate resistance f=1.0mhz - 2 - source-drain diode symbol parameter test conditions min. typ. max. units v sd forward on voltage 2 i s =-30a, v gs =0v - - -1.2 v t rr reverse recovery time i s =-10a, v gs =0 v , - 34 - ns q rr reverse recovery charge di/dt=100a/s - 17 - nc notes: 1.pulse width limited by max. junction temperature. 2.pulse test this product is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, please handle with caution. use of this product as a critical component in life support or other similar systems is not authorized. apec does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others. apec reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. 3.starting t j =25 o c , v dd =-30v , l=0.1mh , r g =25 , v gs =-10v 2 .
AP3P9R0P fig 1. typical output characteristics fig 2. typical output characteristics fig 3. on-resistance v.s. gate voltage fig 4. normalized on-resistance v.s. junction temperature fig 5. forward characteristic of fig 6. gate threshold voltage v.s. reverse diode junction temperature 3 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 048121620 -v ds , drain-to-source voltage (v) -i d , drain current (a) t c =25 o c -10v -7.0 v -6.0 v -5.0 v v g = - 4.0 v 0 40 80 120 160 024681012 -v ds , drain-to-source voltage (v) -i d , drain current (a) -10v -7.0v -6.0v -5.0v v g = - 4.0 v t c = 150 o c 6 8 10 12 14 246810 -v gs , gate-to-source voltage (v) r ds(on) (m ) i d = -30 a t c =25 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 -50 0 50 100 150 t j , junction temperature ( o c) normalized r ds(on) i d = -40a v g = -10v 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 -50 0 50 100 150 t j , junction temperature ( o c) normalized v gs(th) 0 10 20 30 40 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 -v sd , source-to-drain voltage (v) -i s (a) t j =25 o c t j =150 o c .
AP3P9R0P fig 7. gate charge characteristics fig 8. typical capacitance characteristics fig 9. maximum safe operating area fig 10. effective transient thermal impedance fig 11. switching time waveform fig 12. gate charge waveform 4 t d(on) t r t d(off) t f v ds v gs 10% 90% q v g -4.5v q gs q gd q g charge 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 20406080 q g , total gate charge (nc) -v gs , gate to source voltage (v) v ds = -24v i d = -30a 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 -v ds , drain-to-source voltage (v) c (pf) f =1.0mh z c iss c oss c rss 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 -v ds , drain-to-source voltage (v) -i d (a) t c =25 o c single pulse 100us 1ms 10ms 100ms dc 0.01 0.1 1 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 t , pulse width (s) normalized thermal response (r thjc ) p dm duty factor = t/t peak t j = p dm x r thjc + t c t t 0.02 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 duty factor=0.5 single pulse operation in this area limited by r ds(on) .
AP3P9R0P marking information 5 part numbe r 3p9r0 ywwsss date code (ywwsss) y last digit of the year ww week sss sequence .