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  t hin- fi lm casc adab le a mplif ier 1700 to 2300 m hz te chni ca l data features ? fr equ ency ran ge: 1700 to 230 0 mhz ? me di um gain: 10.5 db (typ) ? low vswr ? te mpe ratu re c ompe nsa ted applications ? if/rf a mplifi cation ? te lemetry ? mi lit ary c ommunicat ions description the 2 302 s eri es i s a th in-film bip ol ar rf ampl if ie r th at i nc orpo- rat es r esisti ve feed ba ck and ac tive bia s for tempe rature c o mpens a- tio n an d inc re as ed immunity to bia s vo ltag e var ia ti ons . tuned ind uc tive c ou pli ng main ta in s low vswr o ve r a ll c onditions , while blo ck ing ca pac itors coupl e rf through the amp li fi er . th e 23 02 series a mpl if ie rs a re a vailabl e in eit her the to-8 h er meti c cas e or con ne ctore d tc- 1a pa cka ge. uto/utc 2302 series pin configuration ut o?to-8u rf v + in rf out ut c?tc-1a ground case ground v + rf out rf in schematic maximum ratings par ameter max imum dc voltage +17 v olts co ntin uous r f in put power +13 d bm op er at ing cas e t emper ature ?55 to +1 25 c sto rage temp er ature ?62 to +1 50 c ?r? s eri es burn- in te mper ature +1 25 c thermal characteristics 1 jc 105 c/w act ive t ra nsisto r po we r di ssipa tion 130 mw ju nc ti on te mperature ab ov e case tem per atu re 14 c mtbf (m il- hdbk -21 7e, a uf @ 90 c) 752, 10 0 hrs. weight: (typical) uto ?2.1 grams; utc?21.5 grams rf out rf in v+
2 electrical specifications (measured in 50 w system @ +15 vdc nominal unless otherwise noted) symbol unit t c = C55 to +85 c 1700-2300 8.0 1.0 7.0 +2.0 2.0:1 2.0:1 mhz db db db dbm dbm dbm dbm ma t c = 0 to 50 c guaranteed specifications typical t c = 25 c 1700-2300 10.5 0.3 5.0 +8.0 <1.5:1 <1.5:1 +13.0 +23.0 +27.0 18 1700-2300 8.0 0.5 6.5 +3.0 2.0:1 2.0:1 characteristic frequency range small signal gain (min.) gain flatness (max.) noise figure (max.) power output @ +1 db comp. (min.) input vswr (max.) output vswr (max.) two tone 3rd order intercept point two tone 2nd order intercept point one tone 2nd harmonic intercept point dc current bw gp nf p 1db ip 3 ip 2 hp 2 i d typical performance over temperature (@ +15 vdc unless otherwise noted) key: +25 c +85 c -55 c gain, db gain frequency, mhz 11.0 1600 2200 2400 noise figure, db frequency, mhz noise figure 6 5 4 10.5 10.0 1800 2000 3 11.5 1700 1900 2100 2300 +12 vdc +12 vdc and +15 vdc power output @ 1 db gain compression, dbm power output frequency, mhz vswr input vswr frequency, mhz vswr output vswr frequency, mhz 12 1700 2.0 1.0 1.75 1.5 10 8 1600 2000 1800 2200 2400 1900 2100 2300 6 4 1.25 2.0 1.0 1.75 1.5 1.25 1600 2000 1800 2200 2400 +12 vdc
3 automatic network analyzer measurements frequency vswr gain phase phase group delay vswr isolation mhz in db degrees dev ns out db numerical readings bias = 15.00 volts 400.0 4.43 8.86 C156.61 .98 2.04 28.14 600.0 2.46 10.44 171.17 .80 1.85 26.08 600.0 1.91 10.94 145.35 .62 1.69 25.26 700.0 1.77 10.97 125.73 .49 1.61 24.76 600.0 1.76 10.74 109.58 .43 1.56 24.39 900.0 1.81 10.57 94.94 .39 1.54 24.04 1000.0 1.84 10.42 81.39 .36 1.51 23.61 1100.0 1.86 10.34 68.28 .36 1.50 23.22 1200.0 1.88 10.26 55.71 .35 1.49 22.75 1300.0 1.88 10.24 43.20 .35 1.48 22.27 1400.0 1.85 10.28 30.46 .35 1.46 21.75 1500.0 1.83 10.35 17.82 .35 1.45 21.31 1600.0 1.79 10.48 5.16 .36 1.43 20.82 1700.0 1.76 10.56 C7.87 C1.72 .37 1.40 20.39 1800.0 1.70 10.70 C21.84 C.14 .40 1.36 19.91 1900.0 1.66 10.83 C36.58 .64 .42 1.31 19.44 2000.0 1.61 11.01 C51.95 .89 .42 1.23 19.06 2100.0 1.60 11.08 C67.17 1.12 .44 1.13 18.79 2200.0 1.87 11.00 C83.76 .09 .48 1.07 18.68 2300.0 1.82 10.77 C101.62 C2.21 .50 1.19 18.78 2400.0 2.15 10.37 C119.98 .53 1.39 19.11 2500.0 2.63 9.70 C139.72 .55 1.65 19.83 (typical production unit @ +25 c ambient) linearization range: 1700 to 2300 mhz 300.00 .861 C152.9 3.553 C121.6 C34.830 104.4 .385 C101.6 400.00 .646 172.4 9.381 C162.3 C27.922 71.3 .371 C133.9 500.00 .473 154.6 10.645 168.1 C26.023 49.1 .343 C162.7 600.00 .376 146.4 11.003 143.8 C24.958 35.8 .316 171.8 700.00 .334 143.1 10.994 125.5 C24.390 25.2 .306 150.1 800.00 .315 142.1 10.845 111.4 C24.007 19.9 .297 134.1 900.00 .309 138.9 10.660 96.8 C23.482 12.3 .292 118.1 1000.00 .308 135.0 10.532 82.9 C22.964 5.9 .282 102.9 1100.00 .308 129.8 10.448 68.9 C22.519 C1.5 .273 88.6 1200.00 .311 125.4 10.387 58.7 Cz.030 C6.6 .261 77.6 1300.00 .306 118.5 10.370 44.9 C21.646 C13.7 .246 61.9 1400.00 .300 110.4 10.385 30.9 C21.169 C20.8 .228 46.3 1500.00 .289 102.8 10.464 18.3 C20.586 C27.9 .210 30.6 1600.00 .277 94.1 10.570 6.4 C20.267 C34.5 .191 15.0 1700.00 .260 83.9 10.651 C5.5 C19.850 C40.9 .175 C1.8 1800.00 .237 69.0 10.722 C21.6 C19.375 C50.8 .152 C25.2 1900.00 .212 53.5 10.779 C35.5 C18.936 C59.8 .134 C46.3 2000.00 .189 36.9 10.933 C46.8 C18.575 C66.2 .120 C65.4 2100.00 .168 7.1 10.967 C63.1 C18.248 C77.0 .095 C93.3 2200.00 .179 C31.4 10.927 C80.3 C18.106 C98.6 .067 C132.0 2300.00 .224 C64.6 10.682 C96.8 C18.000 C100.7 .051 161.5 2400.00 .297 C90.2 10.376 C113.5 C18.096 C113.4 .083 99.2 2500.00 .390 C112.3 9.817 C131.6 C18.622 C126.6 .146 60.3 2600.00 .490 C132.8 8.981 C151.6 C19.486 C142.1 .226 32.3 2700.00 .604 C155.1 7.713 C175.9 C20.859 C163.0 .319 5.6 2800.00 .672 C168.4 6.392 169.4 C22.149 C173.9 .377 C10.5 2900.00 .751 171.9 4.344 145.9 C24.913 167.6 .440 C33.2 3000.00 .792 161.5 2.636 132.5 C27.657 154.4 .467 C46.3 s-parameters s 21 bias = 15.00 volts frequency mhz mag ang db ang db ang mag ang s 11 s 22 s 12
4 product options uto ?509r screening option blank = no screening r = r-series screening for more information on r-series screening, see reliability screening, pub. 5963-3240e. model number prefix uto- utm- ppa- model number utc ?509-1 connector option for tc-1 case the only connector option available is the -1. the -1 option consists of a sma female connector on both the input and output (see note). model number prefix utc- model number note: r-series screening is not available in the tc-1 case as the case is non-hermetic.
5 case drawings to-8u .031 .031 .50 dia .450 dia max .175 .017 0.185 0.015 +.002 - 001 .150 typ .300 typ ground case ground v .150 typ 3 4 2 1 45 + rf in approximate weight 2.1 grams rf out glass ring .060 dia typ (3x) notes (unless otherwise specified): 1. dimensions are specified in inches 2. tolerances: xx .02 xxx .010
case drawings tc-1 gnd .350 .890 .460 .310 dc input .38 (2) pl .24 .19 sma jack (female) (2) pl .180 .640 .905 .095 .250 .570 2-56 unc-2b x .15 deep threaded insert (4) pl .460 .310 .350 1.000 .820 product marking area typical weight with connectors = 21.5 grams rf .100 v + in rf out notes: 1. the tc-1 case is a non-hermetic case. 2. the only connector option available for the tc-1 case is the ?, sma female connectors at both input and output ports. agc (if required) .890 .500 notes (unless otherwise specified): 1. dimensions are specified in inches 2. tolerances: xx .02 xxx .010 contact teledyne microwave solutions: 650-691-9800 650-962-6845 fax check for updates:

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