jiangsu changjiang elec tronics technology co., ltd sot-23 -3l plastic-encapsulate mosfets CJK2305 p-channel 8-v(d-s) mosfet fea ture trenchfet power mosfet applications z load switch for portable devices z dc/dc converter marking: maximum ra tings (t a =25 unless otherw ise noted) parameter symbol value unit drain-source voltage v ds -12 gate-source voltag e v gs 8 v continuous dr ain current i d -4.1 continuous so urce-drain diode current i s -0.8 a maximum powe r dissipation p d 0.4 w thermal resistance from jun ction to ambient (t 10s) r ja 3 12.5 /w junction t emperature t j 150 storage temperature t stg -50 ~+150 so t -23-3l 1. gate 2. sour ce 3. drain d v (br)dss r ds(on) max i d -12v 45m @ -4.5v ? -4.1a? m @-1 . 8v solid dot = green molding compound device, if none,the normal device. equivalent circuit 60m -2.5v ? @ 90 www.cj-elec.com 1 e , apr , 2015
paramete r symbol test condition min typ max units static drain-sourc e breakdown voltage v (br)ds s v gs = 0v, i d =- 250a - 12 gate-source thre shol d voltage v gs(t h) v ds =v gs , i d =- 250a -0. 5 -0.9 v gate-source le akage i gss v ds =0v, v gs =8v 100 na ze ro gate voltage drain current i dss v ds =-8v, v gs =0v -1 a v gs =-4.5v, i d =- 3.5a 30 45 v gs =-2.5v, i d =-3a 40 6 0 drain-sourc e on-state resistance a r ds (on) v gs =-1.8v,i d =-2.0a 60 90 m? fo rward transconductance a g fs v ds =-5v, i d =- 4.1a 6 s dyna mic input capa citance b,c c iss 740 output capacitance b,c c oss 290 reverse transfer capac itance b,c c rss v ds =-4v,v gs =0 v,f =1mhz 190 pf v ds =-4v,v gs =-4.5v, i d =- 4.1a 7.8 15 to tal gate charge b q g 4.5 9 gate-source charg e b q gs 1.2 gate-drain charge b q gd v ds =-4v,v gs =-2.5v, i d =- 4.1a 1.6 nc gate resistance b,c r g f =1mhz 1.4 7 14 ? tu rn-on delay time b,c t d(on) 13 20 rise time b,c t r 35 53 tu rn-off delay time b,c t d(o ff) 32 48 fall time b,c t f v dd =-4v , r l =1.2 ? , i d -3.3 a, v gen =- 4.5v,rg=1 ? 10 20 tu rn-on delay time b,c t d(on) 5 10 rise time b,c t r 11 17 tu rn-off delay time b,c t d(o ff) 22 33 fall time b,c t f v dd =-4v , r l =1.2 ? , i d -3.3 a, v gen =- 8v,rg=1 ? 16 24 ns drai n-source body diode characteristics continuo us source-drain diode current i s t c =25 -1.4 pulse diod e forward current a i sm -10 a body ciode voltage v sd i f =- 3.3a -1.2 v note : a. pulse t est ; pulse width 300s, duty cycle 2%. b. guaranteed by design, not s ubject to production testing. c. these parameters have no way to verify. www.cj-elec.com 2 e,apr,2015 mosfet electrical characteristics t =25 unless otherwise specified a
-0.4 -0 .8 -1.2 -1.6 -2.0 -0.1 -1 -10 -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -0 -4 -8 -1 2 -16 -0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -1 0 -12 0 60 120 180 -0 -2 -4 -6 0 50 100 150 200 -0.0 -0 .5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 25 50 75 100 125 -0 .0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 t a =100 pulsed v sd i s ?? t a =25 pulsed source current i s (a) source to drain voltage v sd (v) v gs = -4.5v -4v -3.5v -3v -2.5 v ou tput characteristics v gs =-1.5v drain current i d (a) drain to source voltage v ds (v) vgs=- 4.5v vgs=- 2.5v t a =25 pulsed on -resistance r ds( on) (m ) drain current i d (a) i d ?? r ds(o n) vgs=- 1.8v t a =25 pulsed i d =-3.3a t a =100 pulsed on -resistance r ds( on) (m ) gate to source voltage v gs (v) v gs ?? r ds(o n) t a =100 pulsed t a =25 pulsed v ds =-3v v gs =-2v drain current i d (a) gate to source voltage v gs (v) tr ansfer characteristics i d =-250ua thr eshold voltage thresho ld voltage v th (v) ambient temperature t a ( ) 7 \ s l f d o & |