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  irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 1 february 10, 2016 600v, 4 a integrated power module for small appliance motor drive applications description irsm506 - 076 and irsm516 - 076 are 3 - phase integrated power modules (ipm) designed for advanced appliance motor drive applications such as energy efficient fans and pumps. these advanced ipms offers a combination of low v ce ( sat) trench igbt technology and the industry benchmark half - bridge high voltage, rugged driver in a familiar package. the modules are optimized for low emi characteristics. irsm506 - 076 includes temperature feedback while irsm516 - 076 does not. features ? 600v 3 - phase inv erter including high voltage gate drivers ? integrated bootstrap functionality ? low 1. 7v v ce(sat) (max, 25c , 1a ) trench igbt ? under - voltage lockout for all channels ? matched propagation delay for all channels ? tempe rature feedback via ntc ( irsm506 - 076 o nly) ? opt imized dv/dt for loss and emi trade offs ? open - emitter for single and leg - shunt current sensing ? 3.3v logic compatible ? driver t olerant to negative transient voltage ( - vs) ? advanced input filter with shoot - through protection ? rugged design for pm fan and pump motors ? isolation 19 00v rms , 1min base part number ntc package type standard pack orderable part number form quantity irsm506 - 076 yes sop 23 tube 240 irsm506 - 076 pa dip23 tube 240 irsm506 - 076 da dip23 a tube 24 0 irsm506 - 076 da 2 irsm516 - 076 no sop23 tube 24 0 irsm516 - 076 pa dip23 tube 24 0 irsm516 - 076 da dip23a tube 24 0 irsm516 - 076 da2
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 2 february 10, 2016 internal electrical schematic irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 absolute maximum ratings absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the module may occur. these are not tested at manufacturing. all voltage parameters are absolute voltages referenced to com unless otherwise stated in the table. symbol description min max unit v ces / v rrm igbt/ fw diode blocking vo l tage --- 60 0 v i o @ t c =25c dc output current per igbt --- 4.0 a i op @ t c =25c pulsed output current per igbt (note 1) --- 15 p d @ t c =25c maximum power dissipation per igbt --- 16 w v iso isolation voltage (1min) --- 1 9 00 v rms t j operating junction temperature - 40 150 c t c operating case temperature - 40 150 c t s storage temperature - 40 150 c v s1,2,3 high side floating supply offset voltage v b1,2,3 - 20 v b1,2,3 +0.3 v v b1,2,3 high side floating supply voltage - 0.3 6 25 v v cc low side and logic supply voltage - 0.3 25 v v in input voltage of lin, hin com - 0.3 v cc +0.3 v note 1: pulse width = 100s, single pulse h a l f - b r i d g e h v i c h a l f - b r i d g e h v i c h a l f - b r i d g e h v i c i n t e g r a t e d i n h v i c 1 c o m 2 v b 1 3 v c c 1 4 h i n 1 5 l i n 1 6 n c 7 v b 2 8 v c c 2 9 h i n 2 1 0 l i n 2 1 1 v t h 1 2 v b 3 1 3 v c c 3 1 4 h i n 3 1 5 l i n 3 1 6 n c 1 7 v + 1 8 u / v s 1 1 9 v r 1 2 0 v r 2 2 1 v / v s 2 2 2 v r 3 2 3 w / v s 3 h a l f - b r i d g e h v i c h a l f - b r i d g e h v i c h a l f - b r i d g e h v i c i n t e g r a t e d i n h v i c 1 c o m 2 v b 1 3 v c c 1 4 h i n 1 5 l i n 1 6 n c 7 v b 2 8 v c c 2 9 h i n 2 1 0 l i n 2 1 1 n c 1 2 v b 3 1 3 v c c 3 1 4 h i n 3 1 5 l i n 3 1 6 n c 1 7 v + 1 8 u / v s 1 1 9 v r 1 2 0 v r 2 2 1 v / v s 2 2 2 v r 3 2 3 w / v s 3
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 3 february 10, 2016 recommended operating conditions symbol description min max unit v + positive dc bus input voltage --- 4 8 0 v v s1,2,3 high s ide floating s upply offset v oltage ( note 2 ) 4 8 0 v v b1,2,3 high side f loating supply v oltage v s + 1 2 v s + 20 v v cc low side and l ogic s upply v oltage 1 3 .5 16.5 v v in input v oltage of lin, hin, i t rip , en, flt 0 5 v f p pwm carrier frequency --- 2 0 khz note 2 : logic operational for vs from com - 8v to com+ 600v . logic state held for vs from com - 8v to com - v bs . static electrical characteristics (v cc - com) = (v b - v s ) = 15 v. t c = 25 o c unless otherwise specified. the v in and i in parameters are referenced to com and are applicable to all six channels. the v ccuv parameters are referenced to com . the v bsuv parameters are referenced to v s . symbol description min typ max units conditions v (br)ces collector to emitter breakdown voltage 6 00 --- --- v t j =25c , i lk =250 a i lkh leakage current of each high side igbt 5 a t j =25c , v ce =600v i lkl leakage current of low side igbt plus gate drive ic 10 a t j =25c , v ce =600v v ce(on) collector to emitter saturation voltage --- 1. 2 1.7 v t j =25c, v cc =15 v , ic = 1a --- 1. 3 --- t j = 150 c, v cc = 15v , ic = 1a (note 3 ) v fm diode forward voltage drop --- 1.05 --- v t j =25c, v cc =15v, i f =1a v in,th+ positive g oing i nput t hreshold 2. 2 --- --- v v in,th - negative g oing input t hreshold --- --- 0.8 v v ccuv+, v bsuv+ v cc and v bs s upply u nder - v oltage, positive going t hreshold 10. 4 11.1 11.8 v v ccuv - , v bsuv - v cc and v bs supply u nder - v oltage, negative going t hreshold 10. 2 10.9 11.6 v v ccuvh, v bsuvh v cc and v bs s upply u nder - v oltage l ock - o ut h ysteresis --- 0.2 --- v i qbs quiescent v bs supply current v in =0v --- 42 60 a i qbs, on quiescent v bs supply current v in =4v --- 42 60 a i qcc quiescent v cc supply current v in =0v --- 1.7 4 ma i qcc, on quiescent v cc supply current v in =4v --- 1.8 4 ma i in+ input bias current v in =4v --- 4.6 18 a v in =3.3v i in - input bias current v in =0v --- --- 2 a v in =0v r br internal bootstrap e quivalent resistor value --- 200 --- j =25c note 3 : characterized, not tested at manufacturing
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 4 february 10, 2016 dynamic electrical characteristics ( v cc - com) = (v b - v s ) = 15 v. t c = 25 o c unless otherwise specified. symbol description min typ max units conditions t on input to output propagation turn - on delay time --- 0.7 1.5 s i d =120ma, v+=30v see fig.1 t off input to output propagation turn - off delay time --- 0.8 1.5 s t fil,in input filter time (hin, lin) 200 3 0 0 --- ns v in =0 & v in = 3.3 v dt deadtime inserted --- 400 --- ns v in =0 & v in =3.3v without external deadtime e on turn - on switching energy loss --- 16 --- j v + = 320v, i d = 0.5a, l=40mh, t c =25c (note 4) e off turn - off switching energy loss --- 10 --- j e rec recovery energy loss --- 5 --- j e on ,150 turn - on switching energy loss --- 35 --- j v + = 320v, i d = 0.5a, l=40mh, t c =150c (note 4) e off ,150 turn - off switching energy loss --- 21 --- j e rec ,150 recovery energy loss --- 13 --- j note 4: characterized, not tested at manufacturing thermal and mechanical characteristics symbol description min typ max units conditions r th(j - c) junction to case thermal resistance , one igbt --- 7.2 --- c/w high side v - phase igbt (note 5) r th(j - c) junction to case thermal resistance, one d iode --- 9.1 --- c/w high side v - phase diode (note 5) note 5 : characterized, not tested at manufacturing . case temperature (t c ) point shown in figure 2. internal ntc C symbol description min typ max units conditions r 25 resistance --- 47 --- k t c =25c, 5% tolerance r 125 resistance --- 1.41 --- k t c =125c b b - constant (25 - 50 c) --- 4050 --- k 2% tolerance (note 6) temperature range - 40 --- 125 c note 6 : see application notes for usage
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 5 february 10, 2016 qualification information ? qualification level industrial ?? moisture sensitivity level msl3 ??? rohs compliant yes ul certified yes C esd machine model class b human body model class 2 ? qualification standards can be found at international rectifiers web site ?? ???
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 6 february 10, 2016 module pin - out description pin name description 1 com logic ground 2 v b1 high side floating supply voltage 1 3 v cc1 15v supply 1 4 hin1 logic input for high side gate driver - phase 1 5 lin1 logic input for low side gate driver - phase 1 6 nc not connected 7 v b2 high side floating supply voltage 2 8 v cc 2 15v supply 2 9 hin2 logic input for high side gate driver - phase 2 10 lin2 logic input for low side gate driver - phase 2 11 v th thermistor output ( irsm506 - 076 da ) nc not connected ( irsm516 - 076 da ) 12 v b3 high side floating supply voltage 3 13 v cc 3 15v supply 3 14 hin3 logic input for high side gate driver - phase 3 15 lin3 logic input for low side gate driver - phase 3 16 nc not connected 17 v+ dc bus voltage positive 18 u/v s1 output - phase 1, high side floating supply offset 1 19 v r1 phase 1 low side emitter 20 v r2 phase 2 low side emitter 21 v/v s2 output - phase 2, high side floating supply offset 2 22 v r3 phase 3 low side emitter 23 w/v s3 output - phase 3, high side floating supply offset 2 1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 1 9 1 8 1 7 a 0 1 2 3 - 4 1 2 w i r s m 5 0 6 - 0 7 6 p a
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 7 february 10, 2016 referenced figures figure 2: t c measurement point for r th (j - c) figure 1 a : input to output propagation turn - on delay time. figure 1 b : input to output propagation turn - off delay time. figure 1 c : diode reverse recovery. figure 1: switching parameter definitions 3.8mm 14.5mm top view t c 5 0 % h i n / l i n v c e i c h i n / l i n t o f f t f 9 0 % i c 1 0 % i c 5 0 % v c e v c e i c h i n / l i n t o n t r 5 0 % h i n / l i n 9 0 % i c 1 0 % i c 5 0 % v c e v c e i f h i n / l i n t r r i r r
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 8 february 10, 2016 application notes a basic application schematic is shown below. figure 3: basic sensor - less motor drive circuit connection. motor is connected to u, v, w a complete reference design board for running any permanent magnet motor via sensorless sinusoidal control is available. the board C photo below C features the ipm? - dip module and the imotion? digital co ntrol ic . reference design kits are available on the infineon website ( > design resources > reference designs > intelligent power modules) figure 4 : reference design board featuring the ipm? - dip module and the imotion? irmcf171 digital control ic hvics v cc hin 1 hin 2 hin 3 lin 1 lin 2 lin 3 v th vb 1 vb 2 vb 3 u , vs 1 v , vs 2 w , vs 3 power supply p wmwh p wmv h p wmuh p wmv l p wmwl ga te ki ll a in 1 if b + if b - if bo v ss v dd v ddca p x tal 0 x tal 1 a in 2 s pd - ref com v bus irmcf 171 p wmul 4 . 87 k 2 m 7 . 50 k 1 nf 0 . 25 6 . 04 k 7 . 68 k + - 3 v irsm 506 - 076
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 9 february 10, 2016 figure s 5 - 7 show the typical cur rent capability for this module at specified conditions . in all tests, the application board C the irmcs1071 - 1 - d reference board C was placed in a box to prevent cooling from ambient airflow. figure 5 is derived from using a heat sink that maintains t c at 125c. figures 6 - 7 represent current capability for the module as used without any heat sink. ? t ja represents the difference in temperature between the junction of the high - side v - phase igbt and the ambient, mea sured 10cm above and 6cm away from the board. ambient temperature kept within 28 - 29 c . figure 5 : maximum sinusoidal phase current vs pwm switching frequency with a heat sink. space vector modulation, v+=3 2 0v, t a =28c, t j =150c, t c =125c figure 6 : maximum sinusoidal phase current vs pwm switching frequency, no heat sink. space vector modulation, v+=320v, t a =28c, t j =128 c 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 rms phase current (ma) carrier frequency (khz) 3-phase modulation 2-phase modulation 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 rms phase current (ma) carrier frequency (khz) 3-phase modulation 2-phase modulation
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 10 february 10, 2016 figure 7 : maximum sinusoidal phase current vs pwm switching frequency, no heat sink. space vector modulation, v+=320v, t a =28 c, t j =98c the module contains an ntc C connected between com and the v th pin C which can be used to monitor the temperature of the module. the ntc is effectively a resistor whose value decreases as the temperature rises. the ntc resistance can be calculated at any temperature as follows: ? ?? = ? 25 ? [ ? ( 1 ? ?? ? 1 ? 25 ) ] , where ? 25 is 47k? and ? is 4050k an external resistor network is connected to the ntc, the simplest of which is one resistor pulled up to v cc as shown in figure 3. the v th vs ntc temperature, t th curve for this configuration is shown in figure 8 below. the mi n, typical and max curves result from the ntc having a 5% tolerance on its resistance and 2% tolerance on the b - parameter. figure 9 shows the thermistor temperature, t th plotted against the high - side v - phase junction temperature, t j for a module without a heat sink. it is thus advisable to shut down the module when t th reaches 125c. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 rms phase current (ma) carrier frequency (khz) 3-phase modulation 2-phase modulation
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 11 february 10, 2016 figure 8 : v th vs t th with v th pin pulled up to v cc with a 7.50k? (1%, 100ppm) resistor. a 15v, 1% variation in v cc is assumed. figure 9 : t th vs t j for a module without a heat sink. v cc =15.4v, r=7.50k ? 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 v th (v) t th ( c) min typical max 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 t th ( c t j ( c)
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 12 february 10, 2016 th e ipm? - dip module series feature s an advanced filter for input pins, lin and hin. the filter rejects noise spikes and short pulses with widths shorter than t fil,in as illustrated in figure 1 0 below. figure 10 : advanced input filter rejects noise spikes on a logic 0 - level hin signal . the behavior is similar for noise spikes on logic 1 - level signals the advanced input filter maintains the pulse duration for pulses slightly longer than t fil,in . figure 11 illustrates this feature. figure 11 : advanced input filter maintains the pulse duration for pulses longer than t fil,in the module series also features s hoot - through protection. if a logic 1 - level signal is applied to lin and hin simultaneously, the igbts of the corresponding inverter leg are kept off. for overlapping logic 1 - level lin & hin signals, a deadtime of duration dt is ap plied . the input - output logic table is shown below. hinx linx v sx 1 0 v+ 0 1 0 0 0 * 1 1 * $ * voltage depends on direction of phase current $ integrated shoot - through protection prevents simultaneous turn on of high side and low side igbts o f the same inverter leg t fil , in hinx v sx t fil , in hinx high side gate drive signal
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 13 february 10, 2016 sop23 package outline d imensions in mm
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 14 february 10, 2016 dip23a package outline dimensions in mm
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 15 february 10, 2016 dip 23 package outline dimensions in mm
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 16 february 10, 2016 top marking marking code p = pb free ; y = engineering samples date code yww format, where y = least significant digit of the production year , ww = two digits representing the week of the production year revision history feb 9 updated header & footer desig ns ; added application notes related to advanced input filter a 0 1 2 3 - 4 1 2 p i r s m 5 0 6 - 0 7 6 p a
irsm506 - 076 irsm516 - 076 series 17 february 10, 2016 published by infineon technologies ag 81726 mnchen, germany ? infineon technologies ag 2015 all rights reserved. important notice the information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics (beschaffenheitsgarantie). with respect to any examples, hints or any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the product , infineon technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation warranties of non - infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. in addition , any information given in this document is subject to customer s compliance with its obligations stated in this document and any applicable legal requirements, norms and standards concerning customers products and any use of the product of infineon technologies in customers applications. the data contained in thi s document is exclusively intended for technically trained staff. it is the responsibility of customers technical departments to evaluate the suitability of the product for the intended application and the completeness of the product information given in this document with respect to such application. for further information on the product, technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest infineon technologies o ffice ( ). warnings due to technical requirements products may contain dangerous substances. for information on the types in question please contact your nearest infineon technologies o ffice. except as otherwise explicitly approved by infineon t echnologies in a written document signed by authorized representatives of infineon technologies, infineon technologies products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be exp ected to result in personal injury.

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