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  r07ds1281ej0300 rev.3.00 page 1 of 6 dec 22, 2015 preliminary data sheet pa572ct n-channel mosfet for switching description the upa572ct, n-channel vertical type mosfet design ed for general-purpose switch, is a device which can be driven directly by a 4.5 v power source. features ? two mosfet circuits (two source common) ? directly driven by a 4.5 v power source. ? low on-state resistance r ds(on)1 = 2.7 ? max. (v gs = 10 v, i d = 100 ma) r ds(on)2 = 3.2 ? max. (v gs = 4.5 v, i d = 50 ma) ordering information part number lead plating packing package UPA572CT-T1-A/at -a : sn-bi , -at : pure sn 3000p/reel sc-88a (5pssp) remark "-a/at" indicates pb-free. this product does not contain pb in external electrode and other parts. marking ug absolute maximum ratings (t a = 25c) drain to source voltage (v gs = 0 v) v dss 60 v gate to source voltage (v ds = 0 v) v gss ? 20 v drain current (dc) i d(dc) ? 100 ma drain current (pulse) note i d(pulse) ? 200 ma total power dissipation p t 200 (total) mw channel temperature t ch 150 ? c storage temperature t stg ? 55 to ? 150 ? c note pw ? 10 ? s, duty cycle ? 1% r07ds1281ej0300 rev.3.00 dec 22, 2015
pa572ct r07ds1281ej0300 rev.3.00 page 2 of 6 dec 22, 2015 electrical characteristics (t a = 25 ? c) characteristics symbol test conditions min. typ. max. unit zero gate voltage drain current i dss v ds = 60 v, v gs = 0 v 1 ? a gate leakage current i gss v gs = ? 20 v, v ds = 0 v ? 10 ? a gate to source cut-off voltage v gs(off) v ds = v gs , i d = 250 ? a 1.0 2.5 v forward transfer admittance note | y fs | v ds = 10 v, i d = 100 ma 150 ms drain to source on-state resistance note r ds(on)1 v gs = 10 v, i d = 100 ma 2.1 2.7 ? r ds(on)2 v gs = 4.5 v, i d = 50 ma 2.4 3.2 ? input capacitance c iss v ds = 10 v, 20 pf output capacitance c oss v gs = 0 v, 9 pf reverse transfer capacitance c rss f = 1.0 mhz 2 pf turn-on delay time t d(on) v dd = 10 v, 16 ns rise time t r i d = 200 ma, 6.5 ns turn-off delay time t d(off) v gs = 10 v, 82 ns fall time t f r g = 10 ? 32 ns total gate charge q g i d = 200 ma, v dd = 25 v, v gs = 10 v 2 nc body diode forward voltage note v f(s-d) i f = 200 ma, v gs = 0 v 0.86 v note pulsed ? test circuit switching time pg. r g 0 v gs d.u.t. r l v dd = 1 s duty cycle 1% v gs wave form v ds wave form v gs v ds 10% 0 0 90% 90% 90% v gs v ds t on t off t d(on) t r t d(off) t f 10% 10%
pa572ct r07ds1281ej0300 rev.3.00 page 3 of 6 dec 22, 2015 typical characteristics (t a = 25 ? c) derating factor of forward bias safe operating area total power dissipation vs. ambient temperature dt - percentage of rated power - % ? 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 t a ? ambient temperature - ? c p t - total power dissipation - mw 0 100 50 150 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 025 50 75 100 125 150 per one unit free air total t a ? ambient temperature - ? c drain current vs. drain to source voltage forward transfer characteristics i d - drain current - ma 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 02 1 pulsed v gs =10 v 4.5 v v ds - drain to source voltage - v i d - drain current - a 0 .0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 012345 v ds =5 v pulsed t a =125c 75c 25c ?25c v gs - gate to source voltage ? v gate cut-off voltage vs. channel temperature forward transfer admittance vs. drain current v gs(off) - gate cut-off voltage - v 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 -50 0 50 100 150 v ds = v gs i d = 250 ? a t ch - channel temperature - ? c | y fs | - forward transfer admittance - s 0.01 0.1 1 0.01 0.1 1 v ds =5 v pulsed t a =125c 75c 25c ?25c i d - drain current - a
pa572ct r07ds1281ej0300 rev.3.00 page 4 of 6 dec 22, 2015 drain to source on-state resistance vs. drain current drain to source on-state resistance vs. gate to source voltage r ds(on) - drain to source on-state resistance - ? 0 5 10 0.001 1 0.1 0.01 pulsed 10 v v gs = 4.5 v i d - drain current - a r ds(on) - drain to source on-state resistance - ? 0 5 10 024681012 pulsed i d = 100 ma 50 ma v gs ? gate to source voltage - v drain to source on-state resistance vs. channel temperature capacitance vs. drain to source voltage r ds(on) - drain to source on-state resistance - ? 0 1 2 3 4 5 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 pulsed v gs = 4.5 v, i d = 50 ma 10 v, 100 ma t ch - channel temperature - ? c c iss , coss , crss - capacitance - pf 0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100 v gs = 0 v f = 1.0 mhz c iss c oss c rss v ds - drain to source voltage ? v switching characteristics dynamic input characteristics t d(on), tr, t d(off), t f - switching time - ns 1 10 100 1000 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 v dd =10v, v gs =10 v r g =10 ? t d(off) t d(on) t f t r i d - drain current - a v gs ? gate to source voltage - v 0 2 4 6 8 10 0123 i d = 200 ma v dd = 48 v 30 v 25 v q g ? gate chage - nc
pa572ct r07ds1281ej0300 rev.3.00 page 5 of 6 dec 22, 2015 source to drain diode forward voltage forward bias safe operating area i f ? diode forward current - a 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 pulsed v gs =0 v v f(s-d) ? source to drain voltage - v i d - drain current - a 0.01 0.1 1 110100 id(pulse)= ?200ma dc power dissipation limited id(dc)= ?100ma 1ms 100ms ta=25c single pulse v ds - drain to source voltage ? v
pa572ct r07ds1281ej0300 rev.3.00 page 6 of 6 dec 22, 2015 package drawings (unit: mm) sc-88a (5pssp) equivalent circuit source body diode gate protection diode gate drain remark the diode connected between the gate and source of the transistor serves as a protector against esd. when this device actually used, an additional protection circuit is externally required if a voltage exceeding the rated voltage may be a pplied to this device.
all trademarks and registered trademarks are t he property of their respective owners. c - 1 pa572ct rev. date description page summary 1.00 sep , 2013 ? first edition issued 2.00 jun, 2015 2 - changed electrical characteristics - changed test circuit switching time 3, 4, 5 changed all graphs 5 added forward bias safe operating area
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