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To Download CDT3332-00 Datasheet File

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  Datasheet File OCR Text:
  CDT3332-00 1 CDT3332-00 p. 1 ? led ? ic ? f cdt3332 ?TO??? 1 led ?? ic ic M led ??K? led N?lx ?V rosc cosc p  cmos u?g  ? 1.35v~5.00vdc  Nx  on/off  level hold ? ? cds  ? >30ma @ ? =3v  oB < 5 a a ? l duty ic _f CDT3332-00 on/off 1 vdd ?O cdt3332-01 1hz on/off 1/8 led led ? ( ?? ) cdt3332-02 2hz on/off 1/8 vss ??O cdt3332-03 0.5hz on/off 1/2 on/off on/off I_P cdt3332-04 4hz on/off 1/8 test y? cdt3332-05 8hz on/off 1/2 cdt3332-06 2.4hz on/off 1/8 cdt3332-07 0.8hz on/off 1/128 cdt3332-08 0.1hz on/off 1/256 ?Q_Pr ? on/off ? vss ` y ? 3vdc lS` 20 ic _D to-93 4 pin b_ ? on/off I_P ?_P 3332-00n (ic:CDT3332-00) led vdd on/off vss ?w??? chip design technology inc. 90 4 18 vdd led vss osci CDT3332-00 chip size: 1200 x 1160 m ic vdd on/off osco test   vdd led vss  CDT3332-00  on/off     vdd led vss  CDT3332-00  on/off -- -- test -- -- test
CDT3332-00 2 CDT3332-00 p. 2 ? led ? ic cdt3332 pad ?D cdt3332 pad ?D vdd led vss osci cdt3332 actual size: 1200 x 1160 m ic vdd on/off osco test pad x y 1 osci 152 123 2 osco 698 123 3 test 948 123 4 on/off 948 843 5 vss 723 843 6 led 324 843 7 vdd 120 843 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 chip size: 1100 x 960 m (0,0) (1100,960) ] : actual size ?? ? actual size 15.0 1.27 0.42 3.70 0.38 0.73 1.55 5.22 unit: mm mark to-93 4pin ^D

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