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  spec?no?:? ??????????? ??????specification ??????specification customer product?? saw filter model?no? ??????? hd if389b1m sip5k prepared? checked? approved? d ? a ? t ? e ? 2004-8-15 ??tel:0755-82916880??fax:0755-82916881?? ?????????????? page? 1 ?of? 11 ? ? customer?received: checked approved date
shoulder?electronics?limited ??tel:0755-82916880??fax:0755-82916881?? ?????????????? page? 2 ?of? 11 ? ?
saw?filter ????? ???????HDIF389B1M??sip5k?? history?record date spec.?no. part?no. customer?no. modify?content remark ??tel:0755-82916880??fax:0755-82916881?? ?????????????? page? 3 ?of? 11 ? ?
saw?filter ????? ???????HDIF389B1M??sip5k?? 1.scope ? ???????shoulders?saw?filter?series?have?broad?line?up?products?meeting?all?broadcast ? standard?including?ntsc,pal?and?secam?systems.?these?filters?are?composed?of?two ? interdigital?transducers?on?a?single-crystal.?piezoelectrical?chip.?they?are?used?in?electronic ? equipments?such?as?tv?and?so?on. 2.1?dimension?and?materials ?? manufacturers?name?:?shoulder?electronics?co.?ltd(china) ??type??:??if389b1m ??tel:0755-82916880??fax:0755-82916881?? ?????????????? page? 4 ?of? 11 ? ?
saw?filter ????? ???????HDIF389B1M??sip5k?? ?? 2.2.?circuit?construction,?measurement?circuit 3.characteristics items conditions specifications ??tel:0755-82916880??fax:0755-82916881?? ?????????????? page? 5 ?of? 11 ? ?
saw?filter ????? ???????HDIF389B1M??sip5k?? standard ? atmos pheric ? conditi ons unless?otherwise?specified?,?the?standard?rang?of ? atmospheric?conditions?for?making measurements?and?tests?is?as?follows; ambient?temperature???:?15 ?to?35 relative?humidity??????:?25%?to?85% air?pressure??????????:?86kpa?to?106kpa there?shall?be?no ? damage. operating ? temper ature ? rang operating?temperature?rang?is?the?rang?of?ambient ? temperatures?in?which?the?filter?can?be operated?continuously.??-10 ?~?+60 storage ? temper ature ? rang storage?temperature?rang?is?the?rang?of?ambient ? temperatures?at?which?the?filter?can?be?stored without?damage. conditions ? are ? as ? specified ? elsewhere ? in ? these ? specifications.??-40 ?~?+70 reference ? temper ature +25 ??tel:0755-82916880??fax:0755-82916881?? ?????????????? page? 6 ?of? 11 ? ?
saw?filter ????? ???????HDIF389B1M??sip5k?? 3.1?maximum?rating??? ?????? dc?voltage?????vdc 12 v between?any?terminals ac?voltage?????vpp 10 v between?any?terminals 3.2?electrical?characteristics source?impedance????????????zs=50 load?impedance??????????????zl=2k //3pf??????????????????t a =25 items freq min typ max insertion?attenuation reference?level 37.4mhz 16.1 17.6 19.1 db relative?attenuation 38.9mhz 4.2 5.7 7.2 db 34.47mhz 2.3 3.8 5.3 db 32.4mhz 18.8 20.3 - db 33.4mhz 19.4 20.9 - db 30.9mhz 44.0 58 db 40.4mhz 42.0 52 db 41.4mhz 42.0 50 db sidelobe 25.00~30.90mhz 35.0 45 db 40.40~45.00mhz 35.0 42 db temperature?coefficient -72 ppm/k 3.3?environmental?performance?characteristics ? i tem condition specifications high ? temperature? the?specimen?shall?be?store?at?a?temperature?of ? 80 2 for 96 4h.?then?it?shall?be?subjected?to ? standard ? atmospheric ? conditions ? for ? 1h, ? after ? which?measurement?shall?be?made?within?1h.??? mechanical ? characteristics ? and ? specifications ? in ? electrical ? characteristics ? shall ? be ? satisfied. ? there ? shall ? be ? no ? excessive?change?in ? appearance. low ? temperature ? the?specimen?shall?be?store?at?a?temperature?of ? -20 3 for 96 4h.?then?it?shall?be?subjected?to ? standard ? atmospheric ? conditions ? for ? 1h, ? after ? which?measurement?shall?be?made?within?1h.??? h umidity ? the?specimen?shall?be?store?at?a?temperature?of ? 40 2 with?relative?humidity?of?90%?to?96%? for 96 4h. ? then ? it ? shall ? be ? subjected ? to ? standard ? atmospheric ? conditions ? for ? 1h, ? after ? which ? measurement?shall?be?made?within?1h.??? thermal ? shock the?specimen?shall?be?subjected?to?8?continuous ? cycles ? each ? as ? shown ? below. ? then ? it ? shall ? be ? ??tel:0755-82916880??fax:0755-82916881?? ?????????????? page? 7 ?of? 11 ? ?
saw?filter ????? ???????HDIF389B1M??sip5k?? subjected?to?standard?atmospheric?conditions?for ? 1h, ? after ? which ? measurement ? shall ? be ? made ? within?1h.??? temperature duration 1 +25 =>-40 0.5h 2 -40 4h 3 -40 =>+85 2h 4 +85 4h 5 +85 =>+25 0.5h 6 +25 1h resistance?to ? soldering ? heat? reflow?soldering?method peak:?255? 5 , 220 ? 5 , 40s at?electrode?temperature?of?the?specimen. the?specimen?shall?be?passed?through?the?reflow ? furnace ? with ? the ? condition ? shown ? in ? the ? above ? profile?for?1?time. the ? specimen ? shall ? be ? stored ? at ? standard ? atmospheric ? conditions ? for ? 1h, ? after ? which ? the ? measurement?shall?be?made.?test?board?shall?be ? 1.6?mm?thick.?base?material?shall?be?glass?fabric ? base?epoxy?resin.? solder?ability ? immerse ? the ? pins ? melt ? solder ? at ? 260 +5/-0 ? for?5?sec.?? more ? then ? 95% ? of ? total ? area ? of ? the ? pins ? should ? be ? covered?with?solder ??tel:0755-82916880??fax:0755-82916881?? ?????????????? page? 8 ?of? 11 ? ?
saw?filter ????? ???????HDIF389B1M??sip5k?? 3.4?mechanical?test items conditions specifications vibration ? ? 600-3300rpm?amplitude?1.5mm ? 3?directions?2?h?each?? there?shall?be?no ? damage. drop ? on?maple?plate?from?1?m?high?3?times lead?pull ? pull?with?1?kg?force?for?30?seconds lead?bend ? 90 o ?bending?with?500g?weigh?2?times 3.5?voltage?discharge?test item condition specifications surge between?any?two?electrode there?shall?be?no ? damage ??tel:0755-82916880??fax:0755-82916881?? ?????????????? page? 9 ?of? 11 ? ?
saw?filter ????? ???????HDIF389B1M??sip5k?? 3.6?frequency?response ??tel:0755-82916880??fax:0755-82916881?? ?????????????? page? 10 ?of? 11 ? ?
saw?filter ????? ???????HDIF389B1M??sip5k?? ??tel:0755-82916880??fax:0755-82916881?? ?????????????? page? 11 ?of? 11 ? ?

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