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To Download SKKD8109 Datasheet File

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  Datasheet File OCR Text:
  semipack ? 1 rectifier diode modules skkd 81 features    
 !" #"$ typical applications*  %
   +   ,(  skkd - ./0 - ..0 1 +.0/ 3 456 ' 7 *  

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h # i 4# j % 0    
 " i 4# j %  # k ?94 ) b    ?#  (  />>, ' 46 skkd 81 thyristor bridge,scr,bridge 1 08-07-2009 gil ? by semikron
fig. 11l power dissipation per diode vs. forward current fig. 11r power dissipation per diode vs. ambient temperature fig. 12l power dissipation of two modules vs. direct current fig. 12r power dissipation of two modules vs. case temperature fig. 13l power dissipation of three modules vs. direct current fig. 13r power dissipation of three modules vs. case temperature rectifier,diode,thyristor,module 2 08-07-2009 gil ? by semikron
fig. 14 transient thermal impedance vs. time fig. 15 forward characteristics fig. 16 surge overload current vs. time skkd 81 thyristor bridge,scr,bridge 3 08-07-2009 gil ? by semikron
dimensions in mm (  ' 46 7/>>,8 * the specifications of our components may not be considered as an assurance of component characteristics. components have to be tested for the respective application. adjustments may be necessary. the use of semikron products in life support appliances and systems is subject to prior specification and written approval by semikron. we therefore strongly recommend prior consultation of our personal. rectifier,diode,thyristor,module 4 08-07-2009 gil ? by semikron

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