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To Download MR116L Datasheet File

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  Datasheet File OCR Text:
  spectrum microwave z 8 executive drive z hudson, nh 03051 z phone: 603-459-1600 z fax: 603-459-1605 specification MR116L triple balanced mixer bulletin rf/lo: 2 to 18 ghz if: 1 to 10 ghz standard product features: ? broadband rf performance ? 6.0 db typical conversion loss ? 30 db typical isolation ? if coverage 1.0 to 10.0 ghz ? low cost ? versatile package specifications typical min. max. rf input frequency range ----- 2.0 ghz 18.0 ghz lo frequency ----- 2.0 ghz 18.0 ghz if output frequency range ----- 1.0 ghz 10.0 ghz conversion loss 6.5 db ---- 10.5 db lo drive level 11 dbm 9 dbm 13 dbm isolation, lo to rf 30 db 20 db --- lo to if 25 db 15 db --- vswr, rf 2.2:1 --- --- lo 1.6:1 --- --- input two-tone third order ip (ip3) 17 dbm 12 dbm --- input 1 db compression (dbm) 7 dbm 4 dbm --- operating temperature range --- -25 c +75 c storage temperature range --- -65 c +125 c note: alternate lo drive levels are available. c onsult the factory for your specific requirements. outline drawing specification revision - 072010
spectrum microwave z 8 executive drive z hudson, nh 03051 z phone: 603-459-1600 z fax: 603-459-1605

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