inchange semiconductor isc product specification isc silicon npn darlingtion power transistor MJ3042 description built-in base-emitter shunt resistors high dc current gain- h fe = 250 (min) @ i c =2.5a collector-emitter sustaining voltage- v ceo(sus) =350v(min) applications developed for line operated amplifier, series pass and switching regulator applications. absolute maximum ratings(t c =25 ) symbol parameter value unit v cbo collector-base voltage 500 v v ceo collector-emitter voltage 350 v v ebo emitter-base voltage 8 v i c collector current -continuous 10 a p c collector power dissipation@t c =25 175 w t j junction temperature 200 t stg storage temperature -55~200 thermal characteristics symbol parameter max unit r th j-c thermal resistance, junction to case 1.0 /w isc website
inchange semiconductor isc product specification isc silicon npn darlingtion power transistor MJ3042 electrical characteristics t c =25 unless otherwise specified symbol parameter conditions min max unit v ceo(sus) collector-emitter sustaining voltage i c = 100ma; i b = 0 350 v v ce (sat) -1 collector-emitter saturation voltage i c =2.5a; i b =50ma 2.2 v v ce (sat) -2 collector-emitter saturation voltage i c =5a; i b =400ma 2.5 v v be (on) base-emitter on voltage i c =2.5a ; v ce =5v 2.5 v i cbo collector cutoff current v ce =500v; i e = 0 v ce =500v; i e = 0, t c =100 1.0 5.0 ma i ebo emitter cut-off current v eb = 5v; i c = 0 40 ma h fe-1 dc current gain i c =2.5a ; v ce =5v 250 h fe-2 dc current gain i c =5a ; v ce =5v 50 isc website 2