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savantic semiconductor product specification silicon pnp power transistors 2SB689 description with to-220c package low collector saturation voltage high power dissipation applications for low frequency power amplifier, tv vertical deflection ouptut applications pinning pin description 1 emitter 2 collector;connected to mounting base 3 base absolute maximum ratings (ta=25 ) symbol parameter conditions value unit v cbo collector-base voltage open emitter -100 v v ceo collector-emitter voltage open base -100 v v ebo emitter-base voltage open collector -4 v i c collector current -4 a i cm collector current-peak -5 a t c =25 40 p c collector power dissipation t a =25 1.8 w t j junction temperature 150 t stg storage temperature -45~150
savantic semiconductor product specification 2 silicon pnp power transistors 2SB689 characteristics tj=25 unless otherwise specified symbol parameter conditions min typ. max unit v (br)ceo collector-emitter breakdown voltage i c =-10ma; r be = < -100 v v (br)ebo emitter-base breakdown votage i e =-1ma; i c =0 -4 v v cesat collector-emitter saturation voltage i c =-1a;i b =-0.1 a -1.0 v i ceo collector cut-off current v ce =-80v; r be = < -100 a i ebo emitter cut-off current v eb =-3.5v; i c =0 -50 a h fe-1 dc current gain i c =-0.5a ; v ce =-4v 50 250 h fe-2 dc current gain i c =-50ma ; v ce =-4v 25 350 savantic semiconductor product specification 3 silicon pnp power transistors 2SB689 package outline fig.2 outline dimensions (unindicated tolerance: 0.10 mm) |
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