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  bezeichnung : description : amm bmm cmm dmm emm @@frm 1@@ = start of winding marking = inductance code eigenschaften / p ro p ertie s wert / value einheit / unit tol. induktivit?t / inductance dc-widerstand / dc-resistance dc-widerstand / dc-resistance nennstrom / rated current s?ttigungsstrom / saturation current eigenres.-frequenz self-res.-frequenc y 33% umgebungstemperatur / temperature: +20c 100% sn mst 04-10-11 mst 03-12-10 rt 03-03-03 mst 02-03-27 jh 00-12-06 name datum / date a it is recommended that the temperature of the part does not exceed 125c under worst case operating conditions. anbindung an elektrode / soldering wire to plating: sn/ag/cu - 96.5/3.0/0.5% draht / wire: 2sfbw 155c mhz umgebungstemp. / ambient temperature: -40c - + 85c freigabe erteilt / general release: kunde / customer wrth elektronik .................................................................................. .................................................................................. unterschrift / signature a mechanische abmessungen / dimensions : ferrit/ferrite f werkstoffe & zulassungen / material & approvals : g eigenschaften / general specifications : d prfger?te / test equipment : e testbedingungen / test conditions : c l?tpad / soldering spec. : b elektrische eigenschaften / electrical properties : typ. 120,00 srf basismaterial / base material: betriebstemp. / operating temperature: -40c - + 125c typ. i dc r dc typ 0,0029 d-74638 waldenburg max-eyth-strasse 1 - 3 germany telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400 geprft / checked ............................................................ . ............................................................. kontrolliert / approved wrth elektronik eisos gmbh & co. kg spezifikation fr freigabe / specification for release datum / date : 2004-10-11 max. a testbedingungen / test condition s 23,50 max. ? 0,003 +20%/ -25% h r dc max typ. 100 khz / 0,25v @ 20c @ 20c ? l 0,47 kunde / customer : 74477009 speicherdrossel we-pd power-choke we-pd artikelnummer / part number : ? t=40 k | ? l/l|<10% i sat 26,40 luftfeuchtigkeit / humidity: hp 4274 a fr/for l und/and q hp 34401 a fr/for i dc und/and r dc 12,0 0,3 typ xl 5,0 0,2 8,0 0,3 8,0 max. 12,0 0,3 ?nderung / modification version 1 version 2 version 3 version 4 version 5 datum / date endoberfl?che / finishing electrode: 5,4 2,9 7,0 12,8 2,9 [mm] a c d b e ? marking rohs compliant lf seite 1 von 3
bezeichnung : description : mst 04-10-11 mst 03-12-10 rt 03-03-03 mst 02-03-27 jh 00-12-06 name datum / date artikelnummer / part number : 74477009 h induktivit?tskurve / inductance curve : speicherdrossel we-pd power-choke we-pd datum / date : 2004-10-11 kontrolliert / approved datum / date unterschrift / signature wrth elektronik wrth elektronik eisos gmbh & co. kg d-74638 waldenburg max-eyth-strasse 1 - 3 germany telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400 freigabe erteilt / general release: kunde / customer .................................................................................. ............................................. ..................................... ................................................. ............................................................. geprft / checked spezifikation fr freigabe / specification for release kunde / customer : version 4 version 5 ?nderung / modification version 1 version 2 version 3 induktivit?t vs strom (typ.) / inductance vs current (typ.) 0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0 35,0 40,0 45,0 current (a) l (h) rohs compliant lf seite 2 von 3
bezeichnung : description : i rollenspezifikation / tape and reel specification : a 12,7 0,1 mm b 16,0 0,1 mm c 24,0 0,2 mm d 1,50 0,1 mm e 4,00 0,1 mm f 2,00 0,1 mm g 1,75 0,1 mm h 11,5 0,1 mm i 12,7 0,1 mm j 8,20 0,1 mm t 0,40 0,05 mm a 330,0 0,5 mm b 20,20 0,2 mm + 0 , 5 - 1 , 0 d 100,0 0,2 mm mst 04-10-11 mst 03-12-10 rt 03-03-03 mst 02-03-27 jh 00-12-06 name datum / date spezifikation fr freigabe / specification for release kunde / customer : artikelnummer / part number : 74477009 speicherdrossel we-pd power-choke we-pd datum / date : 2004-10-11 gurtspezifikation / tape specification : rollenspezifikation / reel specification: freigabe erteilt / general release: kunde / customer c 13,00 mm .................................................................................. ............................................. ..................................... datum / date unterschrift / signature wrth elektronik ............................................................ . ............................................................. wrth elektronik eisos gmbh & co. kg geprft / checked kontrolliert / approved d-74638 waldenburg max-eyth-strasse 1 - 3 germany telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400 ?nderung / modification version 1 version 2 version 3 version 4 version 5 j i t ? c a d b ab c h g f e ?d the force for tearing off cover tape is 10 to 130 grams in arrow direction 165 to 180 feeding direction this electronic component is designed and developed with the intention for use in general electronics equipments. before incorp orating the components into any equipments in the field such as aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation, (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportat ion signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required or if there is possibility of direct damage or injury to human body . in addition, even electronic component in general electronic equipments, when used in electrical circuits that require high safety, reliability functions or performance, the sufficient reliability eva luation-check for the safety must be performed before use. it is essential to give consideration when to install a protective circuit at the design stage. rohs compliant lf seite 3 von 3

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