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  1 dual operational amp l ifier descr i ption is a monolithic integrated circuit designed for dual operational amplifier. fea t ures * n o frequency compensation required. *no latch-up *large commom mode and differential voltage range *parameter tracking over temperature range *gain and phase match between amplifiers *internally frequency compensated *low noise input transistors ord e ring information dev i ce package YG4558 d i p-8-300-2.54 YG4558e sop-8-225-1. 27 YG4558l si p-8-2. 54 dip-8 sop-8 si p- 8 bl oc k diagram vc c vee in (-) in(+) output 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 ou t 2 in2(-) in1(+) vee vcc ou t 1 in1(-) in2(+) tel:400-660-8382 YG4558/e/l YG4558 d tel:400-660-8382 datasheet pdf -
linear integrated circuit 2 a b solute maximum ratings ch ar acteristic symbol value unit supply volt age vcc 22 v dif ferential input voltage v i( diff) 18 v pow er d issipation p d 400 m w input voltage v i 15 v operat ing t emperature t op r 0~+70 c st orage t emperature t st g -65~+150 c e l ectrical characteristics ( t a=25 c , v cc=15v,vee=-15v) characteristic symbol test condition min typ. max unit s uppl y current icc 3.5 5.6 ma i nput offset voltage v io rs <10k ? 2 6 mv i nput offset current i io 5 200 na i nput bias current i bi as 30 500 na large s i gnal voltage gain gv vo(p-p)=10v,r l <2k ? 20 200 v/m v com m om mode input voltage range v i(r) 12 13 v com m om mode rejection ratio cmrr rs<10k ? 70 90 db s uppl y voltage rejection ratio psrr rs<10k ? 76 90 db out put voltage swing vo(p-p) r l >10k ? 12 14 v p ow er comsumption pc 70 170 mv sle w rate sr vi=10v,r l >2k ? ,c l <100pf 1. 2 v/ s ri s e time t ris vi= 2 0mv,r l >2k ? , c l <100pf 0. 3 s overs hoot os vi=20mv,r l >2k ? ,c l <100pf 15 % YG4558/e/l tel:400-660-8382 tel:400-660-8382 datasheet pdf -
linear integrated circuit 3 typ ic al performance characteristics 10 10 2 10 36 10 f i g.3 power bandwith(large signal swing vs frequency) o u tput voltage (v) fr equency (hz) 10 4 10 5 0 4. 0 8. 0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0 32.0 fi g.1 positive output voltage swing vs load resi stance load resistance ( ? ) 10 2 10 4 10 5 10 3 1.0 3. 0 5.0 9.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 7.0 ou tput voltage (peak) (v) fi g.2 positive output voltage swing vs load resi stance o u tput voltage (peak) (v) l oad r esistance ( ? ) 10 2 10 4 10 5 10 YG4558/e/l tel:400-660-8382 tel:400-660-8382 datasheet pdf -
linear integrated circuit 4 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 f i g. 7 spectral noise density i nput noise(nv/hz) f r equency hz) 10 100 10 5 10 3 10 4 10 6 gv =10 r s=100k ? 10 10 2 10 36 10 10 -1 1 10 f i g. 6 output noise vs rs o u tput noise(rms) (mv) rs ( ? ) 10 4 10 5 10 -2 gv =1000 gv =100 gv =10 gv =1 10 10 2 10 3 6 10 fi g. 4 burst noise vs rs i nput noise(peak) (mv) rs ( ? ) 10 4 10 5 1 10 10 2 10 3 bw =1.0hz to 1.0khz 10 10 2 10 2 6 10 fi g. 5 rms noise vs rs input noise(rms) ( v) rs ( ? ) 10 4 10 5 0.1 1 10 10 3 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 f i g. 8 open loop frequency response frequency hz) av d ( db) -20 10 100 10 5 10 3 10 4 10 6 11 0 7 10 100 10 5 10 3 10 4 10 6 11 0 7 f r equency hz) fi g . 9 phase margin vs frequency ph ase m argin 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 YG4558/e/l tel:400-660-8382 tel:400-660-8382 datasheet pdf -
linear integrated circuit 5 pa cka ge dimensions di p-8-300-2. 54 so p-8-225-1. 27 YG4558/e/l tel:400-660-8382 tel:400-660-8382 datasheet pdf -
linear integrated circuit 6 si p-8-2. 54 unit: mm YG4558/e/l tel:400-660-8382 tel:400-660-8382 datasheet pdf -
linear integrated circuit 7 a ttach revi si on history data r ev description page 1. 0 original 2003. 10. 23 1.1 add ?oredring information? 1 c hange ?u tc4558 to utc4558/e? 1 2005. 3. 17 1.2 revise ?package dimensions? 5 2009.11.10 1. 3 add?sip-8-2.54? 1,6 YG4558/e/l tel:400-660-8382 tel:400-660-8382 datasheet pdf -

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