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  tmbyv 10-60 small signal schottky diode description metal to silicon rectifier diode in glass case featu- ring very low forward voltage drop and fast recovery time, intended for low voltage switching mode power supply, pol arity protection and high fre- quency circuits. december 1994 melf (glass) symbol parameter value unit v rrm repetitive peak reverse voltage 60 v i f (av) average forward current t i = 25 c 1a i fsm surge non repetitive forward current t i = 25 c t p = 10ms 20 sinusoidal pulse a t i = 25 c t p = 300 m s 40 rectangular pulse t stg t j storage and junction temperature range - 65 to + 150 - 65 to + 125 c c t l maximum lead temperature for soldering during 15s 260 c absolute maximum ratings (limiting values) symbol parameter value unit r th (j - l) junction-leads 110 c/w thermal resistance 1/5
2/5 symbol test conditions min. typ. max. unit i r * t j = 25 c v r = v rrm 0.5 ma t j = 100 c 10 v f *i f = 1a t j = 25 c 0.7 v i f = 3a 1 static characteristics electrical characteristics symbol test conditions min. typ. max. unit c t j = 25 c v r = 0 150 pf t j = 25 c v r = 5v 40 dynamic characteristics * pulse test: t p 300 m s d < 2% . forward current flow in a schottky rectifier is due to majority carrier conduction. so reverse recovery is not affected by storage charge as in conventional pn junction diodes. nevertheless, when the device switches from for- ward biased condition to reverse blocking state, current is required to charge the depletion capaci- tance of the diode. this current depends only of diode capacitance and external circuit impedance. satisfactory circ uit be- haviour analysis may be performed assuming that schottky rectifier consists of an ideal diode in par- allel with a variable capacitance equal to the junc- tion capacitance (see fig. 5 page 4/4). tmbyv 10-60
figure 1. forward current versus forward voltage at low level (typical values). figure 2. forward current versus fo rward voltage at high level (typical values). figure 3. reverse current versus junction temperature. figure 4. reverse current versus v rrm in per cent. 3/5 tmbyv 10-60
4/5 figure 5. capacitance c versus reverse applied voltage v r (typical values) figure 6. surge non repetitive forward current for a rectangular pulse with t 10 ms. figure 7. surge non repetitive forward current versus number of cycles. tmbyv 10-60
marking: ring at cathode end. weight: 0.15g package mechanical data foot p rint dimensions (millimeter) b a c c o / melf glass ref. dimensions millimeters inches min. max. min. max. a 4.80 5.20 0.19 0.20 b 2.55 2.65 0.10 0.10 c 0.45 0.55 0.02 0.02 information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. however, sgs-thomson microelectronics assumes no responsability for the consequences of use of such information nor for any inf ringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. no license is granted by implication or otherwise u nder any patent or patent rights of sgs-thomson microelectronics. specifi cations ment ioned in this publication are subject to ch ange without notice. this publi cation supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. sgs-thomson microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in l ife support dev ices or systems without express written approval of sgs-thomson microelectronics. ? 1994 sgs-thomson microelectronics - printed in italy - all rights reserved. sgs-thomson microelectronics group of companies australia - brazil - france - germany - hong kong - italy - japan - korea - malaysia - malta - morocco - the netherlands singapore - spain - sweden - switzerland - taiwan - thailand - united kingdom - u.s.a. 5/5 tmbyv 10-60

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