inchange semiconductor isc product specification isc silicon npn power transistor BUT93 description high voltage high speed switching high power dissipation applications designed for switching mode power supply and electronic ballast applications. absolute maximum ratings (t a =25 ) symbol parameter value unit v ces collector-emitter voltage 600 v v ceo collector-emitter voltage 350 v v ebo emitter-base voltage 5 v i c collector current-continuous 4 a i cm collector current-peak 6 a i b b base current- continuous 2 a p c collector power dissipation @t c =25 50 w t j junction temperature 150 t stg storage temperature range -65~150 thermal characteristics symbol parameter max unit r th j-c thermal resistance,junction to case 2.5 /w isc website
inchange semiconductor isc product specification isc silicon npn power transistor BUT93 electrical characteristics t c =25 unless otherwise specified symbol parameter conditions min typ. max unit v (br)ceo collector-emitter breakdown voltage i c = 0.1a; i b = 0, l= 125mh 350 v v (br)ebo emitter-base breakdown voltage i e = 1ma; i c = 0 5 v v ce( sat )-1 collector-emitter saturation voltage i c = 0.3a; i b = 30ma 0.5 v v ce( sat )-2 collector-emitter saturation voltage i c = 3a; i b = 750ma b 1.0 v v be( sat ) base-emitter saturation voltage i c = 1a; i b = 0.2a b 1.1 v i ces collector cutoff current v ce = 600v; v be = 0 v ce = 600v; v be = 0; t c =125 0.2 1.5 ma h fe dc current gain i c = 1a; v ce = 2v 10 f t current-gain?bandwidth product i c = 0.5a; v ce = 10v 9 mhz switching times ;resistive load t s storage time 2.0 s t f fall time i c = 1a; i b1 = 0.2a; i b2 = -0.4a 0.25 s isc website