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  2009. 6. 4 1/2 semiconductor technical data PF1010UDF16 esd/emi filter revision no : 2 1,16 : filter channel 1 2,15 : filter channel 2 3,14 : filter channel 3 4,13 : filter channel 4 5,12 : filter channel 5 6,11 : filter channel 6 7,10 : filter channel 7 8,9 : filter channel 8 udfn-16 millimeters dim 3.50 2.80 0.10 + _ j top view side view bottom view a c h g k l j d e f a b 1.20 0.40 0.125 0.03+0.02/-0.03 0.20 min 0.50 0.05 + _ 0.30 0.10 + _ 0.20 0.05 + _ 0.25 0.05 + _ gnd pad c g h d e 18 16 9 pin 1 f b l k equivalent circuit characteristic symbol rating unit dc power per resistor p r 100 mw power dissipation *p d 800 junction temperature t j 150 storage temperature t stg -55 ?- 150 * total package power dissipation type name lot no. t2 a 0 marking electrical characteristics (ta=25 ? ) 10pf 10pf 100 ? filtern* filtern* gnd characteristic symbol test condition min. typ. max. unit reverse stand-off voltage v rwm - - - 5 v reverse breakdown voltage v br i t =1ma 6 - - v reverse leakage current i r v rwm =3.3v - - 1.0 a cutoff frequency fc -3db v line =0v, z source =50 ? , z load =50 ? - 150 - mhz channel resistance r line between input and output 80 100 120 ? line capacitance c line v line =0v dc, 1mhz, between i/o pins and gnd 24 30 26 pf v line =2.5v, 1mhz, between i/o pins and gnd 16 20 24 application ? i/o esd protection for mobile handsets, notebook, pdas, etc. ? emi filtering for data ports in cell phones, pdas, notebook computers ? emi filtering for lcd, camera and chip-to-chip data lines features ? emi/rfi filtering ? esd protection to iec 61000-4-2 level 4 ? low insertion loss ? good attenuation of high frequency signals ? low clamping voltage ? low operating and leakage current ? eight elements in one package description PF1010UDF16 is an emi filter array with electrostatic discharge (esd) protection, which integrates eight pi filters (c-r-c). these parts include esd protection diodes on every pin, providing a very high level of protection for sensitive electronic components that may be subjected to electrostatic discharge. the PF1010UDF16 provides the recommended line termination while implementing a low pass filter to limit emi levels and providing esd protection which exceeds iec 61000-4-2 level 4 standard. the udfn package is a very effective pcb space occupation and a very thin package (0.4mm pitch, 0.5mm height) maximum rating (ta=25 ? ) recommeneded footprint (dimensions in mm) 2.85 0.32 0.20 1.35 0.40 pitch 0.35
2009. 6. 4 2/2 PF1010UDF16 revision no : 2 diode voltage (v) 0.5 1.5 2.0 0.0 012345 1.0 normalized capacitance diode capacitance vs. input voltage 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 -40 -20 0 2 0406080 resistance r ( ? ) r line - temperature ambient temperature ta ( ) c analog crosstalk crosstalk (db) -150 -120 1 10 100 1000 6000 frequency (mhz) -90 -60 -30 0 s 21 - frequency frequency (mhz) -20 0 -40 11 0 100 1000 6000 -30 -10 insertion loss (db)

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