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NJU7271 www..com Low Dropout Voltage Regulator with Reset GENERAL DISCRIPTION The NJU7271 is a low drop out voltage regulator with output-monitor reset function.Advanced CMOS technology achieves ultra low current consumption and high accuracy. It delivers up to 5V/100mA output power with the maximum input voltage of 9V. The NJU7270 is suitable for MPU applications. FEATURES Ultra Low Quiescent Current Iq=3.0A typ. (Io=0mA) Output Voltage Accuracy Vo = 1.0% Reset Voltage Accuracy VRT = 1.0% Output Voltage Monitor type Output Current Io(max.)=100mA Output capacitor with 0.1uF ceramic capacitor Nch Open Drain Output Internal Short Circuit Current Limit CMOS Technology Package Outline SOT-23-5 PIN CONFIGURATION 5 4 PACKAGE OUTLINE NJU7271F 123 1.VIN 2.GND 3.CONTROL 4.VOR 5.VOUT NJU7271F EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VIN CONTROL Output Control VOUT Vref Current Limit VOR Vref GND Ver.2007-02-23 -1- NJU7271 www..com OUTPUT VOLTAGE/ DETECTION VOLTAGE Device Name Output Voltage Detection Voltage NJU7271F1813A 1.8V 1.3V NJU7271F3328A 3.3V 2.8V NJU7271F0543A 5.0V 4.3V Output voltage options available : 1.8 ~ 5.0V (0.1V step) Detection voltage options available : 1.3 ~ 4.5V (0.1V step) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL Input Voltage VIN Control Voltage VCONT VOR Pin Output Voltage VOR VOR Pin Output Current IOR Power Dissipation Operating Temperature Storage Temperature PD Topr Tstg (Ta=25C) UNIT V V V mA mW C C RATINGS +11 +11(*1) VSS - 0.3 ~ +11 50 200(*2) 350(*3) -40 ~ +85 -40 ~ +125 (*1): Device itself (*2): Mounted on glass epoxy board based on EIA/JEDEC. (114.3x76.2x1.6mm: 2Layers) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VIN=Vo+1, CIN=0.1F, CO=0.1F, Ta=25C) PARAMETER Quiescent Current Quiescent Current at Control OFF Output Voltage Output Current Line Regulation Load Regulation Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient Control Voltage for ON-State Control Voltage for OFF-State Pull-down Resistance Short Circuit Limit Input Voltage SYMBOL IQ IQ(OFF) VO IO VO/VIN VO/IO VO/Ta VCONT(ON) VCONT(OFF) RCONT ILIM VIN VO=0V IO=40mA Dropout Voltage VI-O 1.5V VO 2.0V 2.1V VO 2.4V 2.5V VO 2.7V 2.8V VO 3.3V 3.4V VO 5.0V 5.1V VO 6.0V TEST CONDITION General Characteristics VCONT=VIN , IO=0mA VCONT=0V , IO=0mA Regulator Block IO=30mA VO - 0.3V VIN=VO+1V ~ VO+6V(3.0 > VO) VIN=VO+1V ~ 9.0V(3.0 VO) IO=30mA IO=0 ~ 100mA Ta=0 ~ 85C, IO=10mA -1.0% 100 1.6 0 2.0 100 5 25 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 +1.0% 0.30 0.15 VIN 0.3 10 9 0.60 0.29 0.27 0.26 0.24 0.22 V mA %/V %/mA ppm/C V V M mA V V V V V V V MIN. TYP. 3.0 0.1 MAX. 7.6 1.0 UNIT A A IO=60mA Ver.2007-02-23 -2- NJU7271 www..com PARAMETER Detection Voltage Hysteresis Voltage VOR Pin Output Current Output Leak Current Detection Voltage Operating Voltage(*4) SYMBOL VDET VHYS IOR ILEAK VOPL Nch,VDS=0.5V VCONT=0V VIN=1.2V VIN=2.4V (VDET 2.7V Version) VIN=VOR=VCONT=9V RL=100k TEST CONDITION Reset Block -1.0% +1.0% V V mA mA A ppm/C V VDET VDET VDET x0.03 x0.05 x0.08 0.75 2.0 4.5 7.0 100 0.1 0.8 MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT VDET/Ta Ta=0 ~ 85C (*3): The value condition that VOR become 10% or less of VIN. Ver.2007-02-23 -3- NJU7271 www..com TIMING CHART VIN[V] VO t VO[V] VO VHYS VDET t VOR[V] VO t VOR is the case where a pull-up is carried out to VIN through resistance. Ver.2007-02-23 -4- NJU7271 www..com TEST CIRCUIT 1 COMMON TEST CIRCUIT VIN VIN VOPL VOUT IOUT V 0.1F NJU7271 0.1F (ceramic) V VOUT / VDET RL=100k A V VCONT ICONT CONTROL GND VOR VOR V 2 OUTPUT CURRENT/OUTPUT LEAK CURRENT TEST CIRCUIT VIN VIN 0.1F VOUT 0.1F VOUT NJU7271 (Ceramic) IOR / ILEAK CONTROL GND VOR A VDS / VOR 3 QUIESCENT CURRENT TEST CIRCUIT IQ / IQ(OFF) A VIN 0.1F VIN VOUT 0.1F (Ceramic) VOUT NJU7271 CONTROL GND VOR Ver.2007-02-23 -5- NJU7271 www..com TYPICAL APPLICATION 1 In case that ON/OFF Control is not required: VIN 0.1F VIN VOUT VOUT 0.1F RL=100k NJU7271 CONTROL GND VOR VOR Connect control terminal to VIN terminal. 2 In use of ON/OFF Control: VIN 0.1F VIN VOUT VOUT 0.1F RL=100k NJU7271 CONTROL GND VOR VOR State of control terminal: "H" output is enabled. "L" or "open" output is disabled. Ver.2007-02-23 -6- NJU7271 www..com Input Capacitance CIN Input capacitance CIN is required to prevent oscillation and reduce power supply ripple for applications with high power supply impedance or a long power supply line. Use the CIN value of 0.1F greater to avoid the problem. CIN should connect between GND and VIN as short as possible. Output Capacitance CO Output capacitor (Co) is required for a phase compensation of the internal error amplifier. The capacitance and the equivalent series resistance (ESR) influences stability of the regulator. This product is designed to work with a low ESR capacitor for the Co; however, use of recommended capacitance or greater value is essential for stable operation. Use of a smaller Co may cause excess output noise or oscillation of the regulator due to lack of the phase compensation. Therefore, use Co with the recommended capacitance or greater value and connect between Vo terminal and GND terminal with minimal wiring. The recommended capacitance depends on the output voltage. Low voltage regulator requires greater value of the Co. Thus, check the recommended capacitance for each output voltage. Use of a greater Co reduces output noise and ripple output, and also improves transient response of the output voltage against rapid load change. POWER DISSIPATION vs. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE NJU7271F Power Dissipation (Topr=-40+85,Tj=125) 500 Power Dissipation PD(mW) 400 On Board(114.3x76.2x1.6mm, FR-4) 300 Device itself 200 100 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ambient Temperature Ta() Ver.2007-02-23 -7- NJU7271 www..com TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (LDO BLOCK) 3.4 NJU7271_3.3V Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage @:Ta=25 C Co=0.1F(Ceramic) Io=10mA o NJU7271_3.3V Output Voltage vs. Output Current 4 3.5 Output Voltage : Vo(V) 3.3 3 Output Voltage :Vo [V] 2.5 3.2 Io=30mA 2 1.5 3.1 Io=100mA 1 @:Ta=25 C VIN=4.3V Co=0.1F(Ceramic) o 0.5 3 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Input Voltage : VIN(V) Output Current :Io [mA] NJU7271_3.3V Ground Pin Current v.s. Output Current 50 @:Ta=25oC VIN=4.3V Co=0.1F(Ceramic) 40 NJU7271_3.3V Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current 0.5 @:Ta=25oC Co=0.1F(Ceramic) 0.4 Ground Pin Current : I GND (A) 30 Dropout Voltage:dVI-O (V) 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.3 20 0.2 10 0.1 0 0 10 30 50 70 90 Output Current : IO(mA) Output Current:Io(mA) 0 NJU7271_3.3V Load Regulation vs. Output Current @:Ta=25 C Vin=4.3V Co=0.1F(Ceramic) o NJU7271_3.3V Quiescent Current v.s. Input Voltage 15 @:Ta=25oC Output is open. Co=0.1F(Ceramic) -20 Load Regulation : dVo/dIo (mV) Quiescent Current : I Q (A) -40 10 -60 -80 5 -100 -120 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Output Current : Io(mA) Input Voltage : VIN(V) Ver.2007-02-23 -8- NJU7271 www..com TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (LDO BLOCK) NJU7271_3.3V Output Noise Voltage vs. Output Current 120 @:Ta=25 C VIN=4.3V Co=0.1F o NJU7271_3.3V Ripple Rejection Ratio v.s. Frequency 80 70 Io=0mA 100 Output Noise Voltage : Vn( Vrms) Ripple Rejection Ratio : RR (dB) 60 80 50 60 40 30 Io=30mA Io=10mA 40 20 20 10 0 0.001 @:Ta=25 C VIN=4.3V ein=200mVrms Co=0.1F(Ceramic) o 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 10 100 1k 10k 100k Output Current : Io(mA) Frequency : f (Hz) NJU7271_3.3V Ripple Rejection Ratio v.s. Output Current 70 @:Ta=25 C Co=0.1F(Ceramic) VIN=4.3V ein=200mVrms o NJU7271_3.3V Equivalent Serise Resistance vs. Output Current 100 @:Ta=25oC VIN=4.3V Co=0.1F(Ceramic) 10 f=10kHz 50 40 Equivalent Serise Resistance : ESR( ) 60 Ripple Rejection Ratio : RR (dB) STABLE REGION 1 30 20 10 f=1kHz 0.1 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Output Current : Io (mA) Output Current : Io(mA) Ver.2007-02-23 -9- NJU7271 www..com TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (LDO BLOCK) NJU7271_3.3V Dropout Voltage v.s. Temperature 0.3 @:VIN=4.3V Co=0.1F(Ceramic) 0.25 3.4 NJU7271_3.3V Output Voltage vs. Temperature 3.35 Dropout Voltage:dVI-O (V) 0.2 0.15 Output Voltage :Vo (V) 3.3 0.1 3.25 0.05 V =4.3V IN Io=30mA Co=0.1F 0 -50 0 50 100 o 150 3.2 -50 0 50 100 o 150 Temperature : Ta ( C) Temperature : Ta ( C) NJM7271_3.3V Quiescent Current v.s. Temperature 10 0.2 NJU7271_3.3V Line Regulation v.s. Temperature @:dVIN=4.3-9.0V Io=30mA Co=0.1F(Ceramic) 8 6 Line Regulation : dVo/dIo (%/V) @:VIN=4.3V Output is open. Co=0.1F(Ceramic) Quiescent Current : IQ ( A) 0.15 0.1 4 0.05 2 0 -50 0 50 0 Temperature : Ta ( C) o 100 150 -50 0 50 100 o 150 Temperature : Ta ( C) NJU7271_3.3V Load Regulation v.s. Temperature 0.1 @:VIN=4.3V Io=0-100mA Co=0.1F(Ceramic) NJU7271_3.3V Short Circuit Current v.s. Temperature 40 @:VIN=4.3V Output is short to ground. Co=0.1F(Ceramic) 35 Load Regulation : dVo/dIo (%/mV) Short Circuit Current : I SC (mA) 0.08 30 25 0.06 20 0.04 15 10 0.02 5 0 -50 0 50 0 Temperature : Ta ( C) o 100 150 -50 0 50 100 o 150 Temperature : Ta ( C) Ver.2007-02-23 - 10 - NJU7271 www..com TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (RESET BLOCK) NJU7271_2.8V(Reset) Voltage Detection vs. Temperature 2.9 NJU7271_2.8V(Reset) Hysteresis Voltage vs. Temperature 7 VIN=VDET =H->L Co=0.1F 2.85 VIN=VDET =H->L->H Co=0.1F 6.5 Hysteresis Voltage :V RT (V) Voltage Detection :V RT [V] 6 2.8 5.5 5 2.75 4.5 2.7 -50 0 50 Temperature : Ta ( C) o 100 150 4 -50 0 50 100 o 150 Temperature : Ta ( C) [CAUTION] The specifications on this databook are only given for information , without any guarantee as regards either mistakes or omissions. The application circuits in this databook are described only to show representative usages of the product and not intended for the guarantee or permission of any right including the industrial rights. Ver.2007-02-23 - 11 - |
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