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 RTS 1760, RTM 1760
MIL-STD-1553/1760 Remote Terminal
KEY FEATURES: SelectableMIL-STD-1553BorMIL-STD-1760 operation Standaloneremoteterminalwithmemory Lowpower+5voltoperation Dualredundantoperation CMOSBusTransceiversandProtocol Simpleprocessorinterface Selectableautonomouswraparound Hardwarechecksumgeneration Optionalinternalmemory AvailableasPGAorFlat-pack ITARfree-UKdesignandmanufacture TheRTS/RTM1760CMOSRemoteTerminal isacompactintegratedmodulecompatible with MIL-STD-1553B and McAir protocols. The all CMOS Multi-Chip Module (MCM) technology provides low standby power dissipation together with a compact footprintinPGAorsurfacemount(quad-flatpack)packages.ThisRTUprovidesastandalone interface between the MIL-STD-1760 or MIL-STD-1553 Bus and the subsystem. The module is available with (RTM1760) or without(RTS1760)aninternal4kx16RAM.
The RTS/RTM1760 is a complete dual redundant MIL-STD1760 or MIL-STD-1553B Remote Terminal in a single small outline package. It is also capable of meeting the McAir response time requirements and the optional handling of modecodedescriptor31asanormalsubaddress.Themode ofoperationisselectableusingtwoexternalpins.TheRTS/ RTM1760 contains two low-power monolithic transceivers capable of providing the output voltage required for MILSTD-1760 (20V to 27V) together with a custom protocol chip and an optional 4K x 16 RAM for message storage. The custom transceiver chips are implemented in CMOS technology providing very low power consumption figureswhennottransmitting.Thereceiversectionsofthe transceiversfullymeettherequirementsofMIL-STD-1553B intermsofthreshold,commonmoderejectionandbiterror rate when used in conjunction with the custom protocol chip. Thecustomprotocolchipcontainsdualredundantencoder/ decoders, RT protocol logic, 32 word message buffers, DMAcontroller,arbitrationlogicandcontrolregisters.The internal RAM is used to separately store messages to all validreceive,transmitandbroadcastsubaddressesaswell as modecode data. The complete terminal requires only a single+5Vsupply. InMIL-STD-1760modetheRTS/RTM1760providesselectable automatic checksum generation and validation together withheaderword/subaddresscomparisononuserselected messages.OtherMIL-STD-1760featuresincludealatchon the RT address lines, checking to ensure that maximum messagelengthis30wordsandgenerationoftheAIRPRES* signal. InMIL-STD-1553BmodethespecialMIL-STD-1760features areturnedoffandtheunitfunctionsasastandardRemote Terminal capable of performing all specified message formats. In both modes of operation the RTS/RTM1760 supportsall13dualredundantmodecodes.Illegalisationof anynumberofreceive,transmitorbroadcastsubaddresses can be programmed using the 32 word Interface Control Block. This block can also be used to select modecode illegalisationandprograminterruptgenerationondifferent subaddressormodecodecombinations.Itcanalsobeused to select automatic checksum generation or validation if the terminal is operating in MIL-STD-1760 mode. With the addition of extemal circuitry (eg. a single PLD) any combinationofsubaddress,T/Rbit,wordcount/modecode fieldcanbedeclaredillegal.TheRTS/RTM1760canbeeasily interfacedto8and16bitprocessorarchitecturesandin8 bitmodeallmultiplexingisperformedinternallyallowing8 and16bittransferstobemixed. InMcAirmodetheresponsetimemeetstherequired7.0s maximum.Inadditionsubaddress31isallocatedasanormal subaddressratherthanamodecode.Itshouldbenotedthat the databus drivers used in the RTS/RTM1760 conform to therequirementsofMIL-STD-1553BandMIL-STD-1760and nottothoseofMcAir.
PARAMETER Supply voltage (V CCA , VCCB , VCCC , VCCD ) High level input voltage V ih Low level input voltage V il High level output voltage V oh Low level output current I ol Operating Case Temperature Range -55 MIN 4.5 2.2 0.7 VCCC 4 125 MAX 5.5 UNIT VDC V V V mA Deg. C
PARAMETER ICCA or ICCB Transmit 25% duty cycle 150 20 5 50 250 60 50 1000 mA mA mA Transmitter quiescent ICCC ICCD MIN MAX UNIT
For further information contact us at:
C-MAC MicroTechnology SouthDenes,GreatYarmouth, Norfolk,NR303PX,UK Tel:+44(0)1493743100 January2008

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