Matsushita Electric Works(Nais) NAIS[Nais(Matsushita Electric Works)] 2-Channel (Form A) Type
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PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use), 2-channel (form A) type. AC/DC type. Output rating: load voltage 60 V, load current 40 mA. Surface-mount terminal. Tape and reel packing style. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use), 2-channel (form A) type. AC/DC type. Output rating: load voltage 100 V, load current 300 mA. Surface-mount terminal. Tape and reel packing style. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use), 2-channel (form A) type. AC/DC type. Output rating: load voltage 60 V, load current 350 mA. Surface-mount terminal. Tape and reel packing style. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use), 2-channel (form A) type. AC/DC type. Output rating: load voltage 60 V, load current 350 mA. Surface-mount terminal. Tube packing style. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use), 2-channel (form A) type. AC/DC type. Output rating: load voltage 60 V, load current 350 mA. Through hole terminal. Tube packing style. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use), 2-channel (form A) type. AC/DC type. Output rating: load voltage 350 V, load current 120 mA. Surface-mount terminal. Tape and reel packing style. GU (General Use) Type [2-Channel (Form A) Type] PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use), 2-channel (form A) type. AC/DC type. Output rating: load voltage 450 V, load current 100 mA. Surface-mount terminal. Tape and reel packing style.
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Vectron International, Inc.
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VCC1-A3O-34M368 VCC1-A3O-34M816 VCC1-A3O-34M56 VCC1-A3O-70M626 VCC1-F3O-69M632 VCC1-A3O-34M45 VCC1-A3O-70M00 VCC1-B3O-34M45 VCC1-B3O-69M632 VCC1-A3O-97M776 VCC1-B3O-53M33 VCC1-G3O-97M776 VCC1-B3O-34M368 VCC1-A3O-69M632 VCC1-B3O-19M53 VCC1-E3O-97M776 VCC1-B3O-34M816 VCC1-A3O-53M33 VCC1-B3O-53M125 VCC1-A3O-53M125 VCC1-B3O-89M97804 VCC1-B3O-97M776 VCC1-E3O-69M632 VCC1-B3O-89M472 VCC1-A3O-89M97804 VCC1-A3O-89M472 VCC1-A3O-19M53 VCC1-B3O-89M512 VCC1-A3O-89M512 3K-125M01 B3C-48M33008 VCC1-B3A-8M192 VCC1-B3B-14M4 VCC1-F3B-125M01 VCC1-H3A-106M25 VECTRONINTERNATIONAL-VCC1-B3E-76M8 VCC1-A3D-125M00 VCC1-E3C-39M497 VCC1-H3E-103M68 VCC1-B3D-35M5 VCC1-E3E-125M00 VCC1-E3E-12M222 VCC1-B3B-51M156 VCC1-F3B-53M125 VCC1-F3B-52M5 VCC1-B3A-78M00 VCC1-B3A-72M00 VCC1-F3D-27M00 VCC1-A3A-36M5 VECTRONINTERNATIONAL-VCC1-B3K-36M5 VCC1-B3E-27M00 VECTRONINTERNATIONAL-VCC1-B3E-32M27 VCC1-E3B-42M4 VECTRONINTERNATIONAL-VCC1-E3O-42M4 VCC1-E3E-42M4 VCC1-F3C-112M5 VCC1-F3A-103M68 VCC1-F3C-115M2 VCC1-F3A-127M00 VCC1-F3A-116M64 VCC1-H3B-125M00 VECTRONINTERNATIONAL-VCC1-E3B-50M00 VECTRONINTERNATIONAL-VCC1-A3K-45M158 VCC1-H3A-110M00 VCC1-F3B-106M25 VCC1-F3B-103M68 VCC1-A3K-42M4 VCC1-B3A-42M4 VCC1-F3B-16M61 VCC1-A3C-50M00
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VCXO, CLOCK, 34.368 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 34.816 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 34.56 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 70.626 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 69.632 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 34.45 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 70 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 97.776 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 53.33 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 19.53 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 53.125 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 89.97804 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 89.472 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 89.512 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 48.33008 VCXO, CLOCK, 8.192 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 14.4 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 125.01 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 106.25 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 125 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 39.497 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 103.68 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 35.5 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 12.222 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 51.156 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 52.5 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 78 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 72 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 27 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 36.5 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 42.4 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 112.5 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 115.2 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 127 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 116.64 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 110 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 16.61 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 50 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 10.24 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 114 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 20 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 100 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 20.516 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 128 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 12.5 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 21.71055 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 21.504 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 36.86 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 33.3 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 12 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 41.472 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 67.5 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 41.657 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 42.5 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 42 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 47.404 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 47.197 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 47.40437 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 12.2725 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 28.8 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 12.352 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 28 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 120 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 2.048 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 2 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 24.54 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 17.734 MHz, cmos OUTPUT VCXO, CLOCK, 15.974 MHz, cmos OUTPUT
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TY Semiconductor Co., Ltd
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Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat). the tape packing and the magazine
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NAIS[Nais(Matsushita Electric Works)] Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
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PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type [1-channel (form A ) type]. Output rating: load voltage 600 V, load current 40 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 1/2/3-pin side. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type [1-channel (form A ) type]. Output rating: load voltage 400 V, load current 100 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 4/5/6-pin side. GU (General Use) Type SOP Series [1-Channel (Form A) Type] PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type [1-channel (form A ) type]. Output rating: load voltage 60V, load current 350 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 1/2/3-pin side. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type [1-channel (form A ) type]. Output rating: load voltage 350 V, load current 120 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 1/2/3-pin side. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type [1-channel (form A ) type]. Output rating: load voltage 350 V, load current 120 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 4/5/6-pin side. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type [1-channel (form A ) type]. Output rating: load voltage 400 V, load current 100 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 1/2/3-pin side.
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Matsushita Electric Works(Nais) NAIS[Nais(Matsushita Electric Works)]
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PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type, 1-channel (form A ) type. I/O isolation: standard 1,500 VAC. Output rating: load voltage 600V, load current 50 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 4/5/6-pin side. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type, 1-channel (form A ) type. I/O isolation: reinforced 5,000 VAC. Output rating: load voltage 400V, load current 120 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 1/2/3-pin side. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type, 1-channel (form A ) type. I/O isolation: standard 1,500 VAC. Output rating: load voltage 100V, load current 320 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 1/2/3-pin side. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type, 1-channel (form A ) type. I/O isolation: standard 1,500 VAC. Output rating: load voltage 60V, load current 400 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 4/5/6-pin side. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type, 1-channel (form A ) type. I/O isolation: standard 1,500 VAC. Output rating: load voltage 60V, load current 400 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 1/2/3-pin side. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type, 1-channel (form A ) type. I/O isolation: standard 1,500 VAC. Output rating: load voltage 60V, load current 400 mA. Tube packing style. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type, 1-channel (form A ) type. I/O isolation: standard 1,500 VAC. Output rating: load voltage 350V, load current 130 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 4/5/6-pin side. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type, 1-channel (form A ) type. I/O isolation: standard 1,500 VAC. Output rating: load voltage 350V, load current 130 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 1/2/3-pin side. GU (General Use) Type [1-Channel (Form A) Type] PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type, 1-channel (form A ) type. I/O isolation: reinforced 5,000 VAC. Output rating: load voltage 400V, load current 120 mA. Tube packing style. PhotoMOS relay, GU (general use) type, 1-channel (form A ) type. I/O isolation: reinforced 5,000 VAC. Output rating: load voltage 400V, load current 120 mA. Tape and reel packing style, picked from the 4/5/6-pin side.
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Nais(Matsushita Electri... Panasonic, Corp. NAIS[Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)] NAIS[Nais(Matsushita Electric Works)]
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AGN21012 AGN2004H AGN21XXX AGN2001H AGN21006Z AGN21009 AGN21003Z AGN21024 AGN21024Z AGN2104H AGN2104HZ AGN210S4HZ AGN20003 AGN20003Z AGN20006 AGN20006Z AGN20009 AGN20009Z AGN20012 AGN20012Z AGN2001HZ AGN20024 AGN20024Z AGN2004HZ AGN200A03 AGN200A03Z AGN200A06 AGN200A06Z AGN200A09Z AGN200A12 AGN200A12Z AGN200A1H AGN200A1HZ AGN200A24 AGN200A24Z AGN200A4H AGN200A4HZ AGN200S03 AGN200S03Z AGN200S06 AGN200S06Z AGN200S09 AGN200S09Z AGN200S12 AGN200S12Z AGN200S1H AGN200S1HZ AGN200S24 AGN200S24Z AGN200S4H AGN200S4HZ AGN21003 AGN21006 AGN21009Z AGN21012Z AGN2101H AGN2101HZ AGN210A03 AGN210A03Z AGN210A06 AGN210A06Z AGN210A09 AGN210A09Z AGN210A12 AGN210A12Z AGN210A1H AGN210A1HZ AGN210A24 AGN210A24Z AGN210A4H AGN210A4HZ AGN210S03 AGN210S03Z AGN210S06 AGN210S06Z AGN210S09 AGN210S09Z AGN210S12 AGN210S12Z AGN210S1H AGN210S1HZ AGN210S24 AGN210S4H AGN200A09 AGN20XXX AGN210A03X AGN210A06X AGN210A09X AGN210A12X AGN210A1HX AGN200S03X AGN210S03X AGN200S06X AGN210S06X AGN200S09X AGN210S09X AGN210S24X AGN200A24X AGN210S4HX AGN200S4HX
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GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 4.5 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 4.5 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 4.5 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 24 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 24 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 12 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 1.5 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 1.5 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 9 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 9 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 9 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tube racking. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 6 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 6 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 3 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 3 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tube packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 3 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 1.5 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 12 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 12 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 9 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 9 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tube packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 6 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tube packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 6 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 3 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tube packing. ULTRA-SMALL PACKAGE SLIM POLARIZED RELAY 超小型封装小井极化继电器 (AGN2xx) ULTRA-SMALL PACKAGE SLIM POLARIZED RELAY GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 3 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 3 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 6 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 9 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 12 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tube packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 1.5 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tube packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 3 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tube racking. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 3 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 3 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 6 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tube racking. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 6 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 6 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tube packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 6 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 9 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing (picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side).. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 9 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tube packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 9 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 1.5 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tube packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 1.5 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tube racking. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 12 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 24 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tube racking. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 6 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal A type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 4.5 V DC. 2 form C. Single side stable. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tube racking. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 4.5 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tape and reel packing. GN-relay. Ultra-small package slim polarized relay. Coil voltage 4.5 V DC. 2 form C. 1 coil latching. Surface-mount terminal S type. Tube packing.
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